3.4. "Using the callout analysis framework

This section describes a framework for analysis that does a lot of the nitty gritty decoding work for you, passing pre-digested data to callback methods of classes you write. This software was introduced in SpecTcl 5.10-008 and, at this time can handle data from all versions of NSCLDAQ up through 11.4.

Note that this software may not be suitable for use with event built data since it is blind to body headers when used with NSCLDAQ-11.

For detailed reference information, see CAnalysisEventProcessor and CAnalysisBase in the programming reference manual.

3.4.1. The Struture of the callout analysis software

The callout analysis software consists of an event processor that decodes what it can from items that are not event data. Each item decoded then calls a method in an analysis object that is passed into the event processor at creation time.

The code fragment below gives a more concrete example of what I mean. It would be placed in your MySpecTclApp.cpp file:

Example 3-13. Idea of the callback analysis framework

#include <CAnalysisEventProcessor.h>   (1)
#include <CAnalysisBase.h>             (2)

class MyCallbackClass : public CAnalysisBase  (3)
void CMySpecTclApp::CreateAnalysisPipeline(CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer)
    auto callbacks = new MyCallbackClass;    (4)
    auto processor = new CAnalysisEventProcessor(callbacks); (5)
    RegisterEventProcessor(*processor, "callback-processor");  (6)

Lets' go through this code fragment step-by-step.

This #include pulls in the class definition for CAnalysisEventProcessor. This defines the event processor class that runs the callback framework. Note that while this example only shows a single instantiation of this event processor, there's nothing to stop you from defining several callback classes and instantiating one event processor for each of them.
Instantiates the base class, CAnalysisBase, from which all callback classes must be built. Callback classes contain the code that actually analyzes the data that CAnalysiysEventProcessor pulls out of each ring item.
In order to use the framework, you'll normally have to define a class that implements the callbacks for the type of data you want to look at. This means deriving a class from the CAnalysis base class. This class could (and should) be defined in header files and external program modules. Here we should it in MySpecTclApp.cpp to simplify the example.
In CreateAnalysisPipeline, you'll create a callback object....
...Then you'll create an analysis event processor providing your callback object as a construtor parameter.
Finally, you'll register the event processor in the analysis pipeline at the appropriate position and, when data are analyzed the implemented methods of your callback object will be called by the event processor it's attached to.

To conclude this section, lets' look at the callback methods you can implement, their parameterization and the sorts of error conditions you can signal from your callbacks. Note that the base class, CAnalysisBase implements all of these callback methods to do nothing. You therefore only need to provide methods that you need.

State change items document the start, stop, pause and resumption of a run. when encountered, the event processor will decode them and call the onStateChange method. The signature of this method is:

Example 3-14. onStateChange method signature

 virtual void onStateChange(
        StateChangeType type, int runNumber, time_t absoluteTime, float runTime,
        std::string title, void* clientData


CAnalysisBase::StateChangeType type

Is defined in the CAnalysisBase class and has one of the values Begin, End, Pause or Resume indicating the type of state change that took place.

int runNumber

Is the run number of the run whose state is changing.

time_t absoluteTime

Is the linux time of day at which the state change was logged.

float runTime

Is the number of seconds into the run at which the statechange occured.

std::string title

Is the title of the run that underwent the state change.

void* clientData

Is additional data that is passed by the event processor. This actually points to a CAnalysisEventProcessor::ClientData struct which contais the members s_pUserData, that contains optional user data passed to tyhe analysis event processor when it was constructed and s_pCaller which is a pointer to the AnalysisEventProcessor calling the callback.

When a scaler item is encountered, the event processor calls onScalers which has the following signature:

Example 3-15. onScalers callback signagure

virtual void onScalers(
        time_t absoluteTime, float startOffset, float endOffset,
        std::vector<unsigned> scalers, bool incremental, void* clientData

The parameters have the following meaning.

time_t absoluteTime

The absolute time at which the data were generated. The various Unix time functions can be used to manipulate this value.

float startOffset

Number of seconds into the run at which this counting interval started.

float endOffset

Number of seconds into the run at which this counting interval ended.

std::vector<unsigned> scalers

The scalers extracted from the item.

bool incremental

Flag that, if true, indicates the scalers are incremental rather than cumulative. Most NSCLDAQ systems use incremental scalers to reducd the chances of having to deal with scaler overflows.

void* clientData

Additional data. See onStateChange for more about what this points to.

Some item types contain lists of string data. These data types have an enumerated type in CAnalysisBase that describes the types of items that are string lists; PacketTypes in the sbs readout, the documented data packet types, MonitoredVariables the set of Tcl variables being monitored. RunVariables the set of variables that are readonly during a run.

When a stringlist item type is encountered, onStringLists is invoked. It has the following method signature.

Example 3-16. The onStringLists method signature

virtual void onStringLists(
        StringListType type, time_t absoluteTime, float runTime,
        std::vector<std::string> strings, void* clientData



CAnalysisBase::StringListType type

The type of the item. See above.

time_t absoluteTime

The wall clock time and date at which the entry was made. The Unix time manipulation functions can be used with this type.

float runTime

Number of seconds into the run at which this item was created.

std::vector<std::string> strings

The strings in the item.

void* clientData

Additional data. See the description of onStateChange for a descrption of this parameter.

onEvent is called when a physics event is encountered. The signature of that method is:

Example 3-17. onEvent method signature

virtual unsigned onEvent(void* pEvent, void* clientData)                    

pEvent is the pointer to the event as it was passed to the event processor's operator(). clientData is additional data described in onStateChange.

The base class CAnalysisBase provides two exception types that can be thrown and are handled by the event processor. These are derived from std::runtime_error and, are constructed with a reference to a std::string message.

If CAnalysisBase::NonFatalException is thrown, the event processing pipeline is aborted with the message provided displayed on stderr. Processing continues with the next item. As the name implies, if CAnalysisBase::FatalException is throw, the message is displayed to stderr and SpecTcl exits.

3.4.2. Using the callout analysis software to maintain scaler information

A pre-packaged call-out class for the callout analysis framework is provided in SpecTcl 5.10-008 and later. This framework maintains a set of SpecTcl Tcl interpreter variables that reflect scaler values for the run being analyzed. It was initially developed for a group that wanted to integrate the scaler display program with SpecTcl.

This section describes:

The procedure for using the scaler callout class is identical to the procedure for using any other callout analysis class. Below we show code fragments in MySpecTclApp that show how to do this:

Example 3-18. Using the Scaler callback analysis class

#include <CAnalysisEventProcessor.h>
#include <CScalerProcessor.h>        (1)
#include <SpecTcl.h>                 (2)
void CMySpecTclApp::CreateAnalysisPipeline(CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer)
    auto pApi = SpecTcl::getInstance();     (3)
    auto pInterp  = pApi->getInterpreter();
    auto pScalerProcessor = new ScalerProcessor(*pInterp);  (4)
    auto processor = new CAnalyayisEventProcessor(pScalerProcessor); (5)
    RegisterEventProcessor(*processor, "Scaler-analyzer");  (6)


While this exacmpe is relatively simple, let's go through it step-by-step.

The CScalerProcessor.h header defines ScalerProcessor which is the callout processor that we want to use with the callout event processor.
In order to maintain Tcl variables, the ScalerProcessor will need the SpecTcl interpreter. This can be gotten via the SpecTcl API. Therefore we include the API's header here.
This line and the next obtain a pointer to the SpecTcl API singleton and use it to get a pointer to the SpecTcl interpreter.
As we did in our generic example, we instantiate our callout processor (ScalerProcessor is derived from CAnalysisBase so it can be used directly).
As in our generic example, we instantiate the event processor passing it a pointer to our callout processor.
Finally the event processor is registered in the SpecTcl data analysis pipeline.

When the Scaler callout processor has been registered as shown in the previous example, when analyzing data, the following Tcl global variables will be maintained. Furtheremore, A set of Tcl procs must be defined and will be called at specific points in analysis.

Tcl variables maintained


State transition items will extract the run number and store it in this variable.


When processing items that provide the elapsed run time, this variable is updated with the number of seconds into the run specified by that time. Note that this is a floating point value as NSCLDAQ-11 provides support for sub-second precision.


The titles in state transition items are extracted and stored in this variable.


State transition items update the value of this variable to reflect the state of the run. This variable will have a value that is one of Active, Halted, Paused.

I would expect that Paused will be the case for only a very short time in properly ended runs as it's item should be immediately followed by a resume item which would switch the value back to Active


Processing of scaler items will compute the length of time over which the scalers counted to produce that item. This will be stored (in seconds) in this variable.


When a scaler item is processed, this variable will be updated with the counts in scaler i stored in that item.


These variabls are zeroed on begin run transitions and store running sums of the scaler values over all scaler items seen so far.

The scaler callout processor expects several Tcl procs to be defined and calls them without any parameters at specific points in processing. All procs are called after the Tcl variables updated by item processing has been completed. There is no requirement these procs do anything but they must be defined. These procs are:

Tcl procs called.


Called when a begin run state change item has been processed.


Called when an end run state change item has been processed.


Called when a pause run state change item has been processed.


Called when a resume run state change item has been processed.


Called when a scaler item has been processed.