

CDisplayFactory -- Associate display creators with display type names


#include <DisplayFactory>

class CDisplayFactory

    CDisplay* create(const std::string& type);
    CDisplayCreator* getCreator(const std::string& type);
    bool addCreator(const std::string& type, CDisplayCreator& rCreator);
    CDisplayCreator* removeCreator(const std::string& type);




The CDisplayFactory class is resonsible for associating CDisplayCreator objects with strings (display types). Upon being presented with a string CDisplayCreator::create searches its inventory of creators for a match and then delegates the creation of a displayer to the matching creator object.

Methods are also provided to maintain the contents of the cretor inventory.


Key to the opertion of CDisplayFactory is a hierarchy of display creator classes. Instances of these classes are registered with the factory and associated with an arbitrary display type string.

The base class of these creators, CDisplayCreator is defined below.

 class CDisplayCreator {
    virtual CDisplay* create() = 0;

Concrete classes need only implement the create method to return a pointer to a new instance of the display type they create. By convention these are dynamically allocated instances and must be destroyed by the factory client when no longer needed. Each distince call to create should produce a new, unique CDisplay object


The CDisplayFactory class implements the following methods:

CDisplay* create(const std::string& type = );

Locates the creator that matches the type string and requests that it return a pointer to the corresponding displayer object. In general the pointer returned is to a dynamically created object that must be deleted when the client no longer needs it.

If there is no matching creator, or if the creation fails, nullptr is returned.

CDisplayCreator* getCreator(const std::string& type = );

Returns a pointer ot the creator that corresponds to the type string. If there is no matching creator a nullptr is returned.

bool addCreator(const std::string& type = , CDisplayCreator& rCreator = );

Adds a new creator, rCreator to the factory and associates it with the type string type. In general the creator object is dynamically allocated, however, there's no actual requirement that it be.

On successful addition, the method returns true if there is already a creator with the same type name, false is returned instead.

CDisplayCreator* removeCreator(const std::string& type = );

Removes the creator object associated with the type string. The return value is a pointer to the object, which is no longer in the inventory of creators known by the factory. If there is no matching creator, nullptr is returned instead.