

CDisplayCollection -- Maintain a named set of display objects.


#include <DisplayCollection.h>

class CDisplayCollection

    bool displayExists(CDisplay* pDisplay);
    void addDisplay(CDisplay* pDisplay);
    void removeDisplay(CDisplay* pDisplay);
    CDisplay* getCurrentDisplay();
    void      setCurrentDisplay(CDisplay* pDisplay);

    Iterator begin();
    Iterator end();
    size_t size();



Keeps a named set of objects. Normally this is encapsulated in a CDisplayInterface object which marries it to a factory used to create new display objects and scheme to associate names with displays.

CDisplayCollection objects have a concept of a current displayer.


bool displayExists(CDisplay* pDisplay = );

Returns true if the display pointed to by pDisplay is present in the collection.

void addDisplay((CDisplay* pDisplay = );

Adds the display pointed to by pDisplay' to the collection. Note that:

  1. The actual display object must remain in scope for the lifetime of the collection as no copy is made.

  2. Adding a duplicate entry is silently ignored (that is the collection will still hold only one copy of the pointer).

void removeDisplay(CDisplay* pDisplay = );

Removes pDisplay from the collection. If the display does not exist this silently does nothing. If the display is current, the state of the system is set so that there is no current display.

CDisplay* getCurrentDisplay();

Returns a pointer to the current display. If there is no current display, nullptr is returned.

void setCurrentDisplay(CDisplay* pDisplay = );

Sets the current display to pDisplay. If pDisplay is not in the collection, it is added. If pDisplay is null, a std::runtime_error is thrown.

Iterator begin();

Begin iterator.

Iterator end();

Returns an end iterator.

size_t size();

Returns the number of elements in the collection