

CEventProcessor -- Abstract base class convering events to parameters


#include <EventProcessor.h>

class CEventProcessor {
  virtual Bool_t operator()(const Address_t pEvent,
                            CEvent& rEvent,
                            CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer,
                            CBufferDecoder& rDecoder); 
  virtual Bool_t OnAttach(CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer);
  virtual Bool_t OnBegin(CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer,
                         CBufferDecoder& rDecoder);
  virtual Bool_t OnEnd(CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer,
                       CBufferDecoder& rBuffer); 
  virtual Bool_t OnPause(CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer,
                         CBufferDecoder& rDecoder); 
  virtual Bool_t OnResume(CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer,
                          CBufferDecoder& rDecoder);
  virtual Bool_t OnOther(UInt_t nType,
                         CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer,
                         CBufferDecoder& rDecoder);

  virtual Bool_t OnEventSourceOpen(std::string name);
  virtual Bool_t OnEventSourceEOF();
  virtual Bool_t OnInitialize();



CEventProcessor Provides the abstract base class for elements of the event processing pipeline. Tailoring SpecTcl to analyze a particular dataset involves writing a set of classes derived from CEventProcessor and registering instances of those classes in MySpecTclApp::CreateAnalysisPipeline.

Each element of the pipeline normally contributes elements to the event array either directly or indirectly through tree parameters. These elements, or parameter values, either come from decoding segments of the raw event, or by performing computations on existing parameter values.

Event processors that decode sections of the raw event are often referred to as unpackers.


Note that the methods of CEventProcessor are all virtual methods that have default implementations that return kfTRUE. All methods return a Bool_t. A return value of kfTRUE indicates success. A value of kfFALSE indicates failure. A failure return aborts the event processing pipeline. This means that no more event processors will be called and, for operator() no histogramming will be done on that event.

A common mistake for implementors of event processors is to forget to return a value. This can result in randomly and silently dropping events as return value will be not well defined.

virtual Bool_t operator()(const Address_t pEvent, CEvent& rEvent, CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer, CBufferDecoder& rDecoder);

This method is called for each physics event. pEvent points to the raw event data for this event. rEvent is the array like object that stores the parameter values created by the event processing pipeline for this event.

The rAnalyzer and rDecoder parameters are not often used but reference the analyzer and buffer decoder objects used to manage event processing for this event data format.

virtual Bool_t OnAttach(CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer);

Called when the event processor is registered with the event processing pipeline. rAnalyzer references the analyzer that controls the flow of data analysis through SpecTcl.

virtual Bool_t OnBegin(CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer, CBufferDecoder& rDecoder);

Called when a begin run item is detected. Note that not all data acquisition systems have begin run items, however all NSCL supported data acquisition systems do.

rAnalyzer and rDecoder refer to the analyzer and decoder respectively. The decoder provides services (the run number and title which again may not be available in non NSCL supported data acquisition systems), that may be useful to event processors that choose to implement this method.

virtual Bool_t OnEnd(CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer, CBufferDecoder& rBuffer);

Called when an end fo run item is encountered. See OnBegin for more.

virtual Bool_t OnPause(CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer, CBufferDecoder& rDecoder);

Like OnBegin but invoked when a run temporarily pauses. Note that not all NSCL Supported data acquisition systems support pausing an active run.

virtual Bool_t OnResume(CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer, CBufferDecoder& rDecoder);

Called when a paused run resumes.

virtual Bool_t OnOther(UInt_t nType, CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer, CBufferDecoder& rDecoder);

Called when an item type that does not neatly fit into the categories above is encountered. nType is an item type drawn, where possible, from buftype.h, and where not, from the underlying DAQ system that produced the data.

virtual Bool_t OnEventSourceOpen(std::string name);

Called when a new event source is opened. name is a data source type dependent parameter that identifies what the data source is connected to.

virtual Bool_t OnEventSourceEOF();

Called when the event source hits the end of data. For file data sources this means that the data in the file has been completely processed. For Pipe data sources, this means that the producer end of the pipe has closed the pipe.

virtual Bool_t OnInitialize();

This is called when SpecTcl is initialized. For event processors registered in MySpecTclApp::CreateAnalysisPipeline, this is sometime after registration when SpecTcl has been completely intialized. For those registered dynamically, later, OnInitialize is called immediately after OnAttach.