

gate -- Wraps a gate via its gate container.


    # Attributes
      readonly string  name;
      readonly string  type;
      readonly tuple of strings  parameters;
      readonly tuple of strings  gates;
      readonly float  low;
      readonly float  high;
      readonly tuple of dicts  points;
      readonly integer  mask;
    # methods - see the method documentation  There's better formatting there.
        def change(string type=gate-typeRequired, tuple of strings parameters=parameter-namesGate type dependent, tuple of strings gates=gate-namesGate type dependent, tuple of point dicts  points=pointsGate type dependent, float low=low-limitGate type dependent, float high=high-limitGate type dependent, integer mask=bit-maskGate type dependent) :


Wraps a gate container which, in turn wraps a SpecTcl gate. There are two constructor styles. The first style creates a wrapper for an existing gate. That constructor only takes a single positional parameter, the name of an existing gate to wrap. If this form of the constructor is used but a non-existent gate is supplied LookupError is raised. Note that the Tcl gate deletion operation does not actually destroy the gate but makes it into a False gate. This implies it's possible to wrap a deleted gate.

The second style creates and wraps a new gate. The only positional parameter is the gate name. If this matches an existing gate, an error message will result. To modify a gate, wrap the existing gate and invoke the change method.

When creating a new gate, the remaining parameters are keyword parameters. The need for most of these depends on the gate type. Providing an un-needed keyword is not an error, that parameter is just silently ignored.

The keywords and their values are:


This is always required when creating a new gate, or modifying the existing gate. The value supplied must be a string that is a valid gate type string for the SpecTcl gate Tcl command.

The value of this type influences which other keywords are needed.


This keyword is required for gates that depend on parameters. It is expected to be a tuple of the names of the parameters on which the gate depends. The order may be important, for exmaple for contours and bands, the tuple must have two elements where the first element is the x parameter and the second the y parameter.


This keyword is required for gates that depend on other gates (e.g. compound gates). The keyword value must be a tuple of gate names.


This keyword is required for gates that have two dimensional points (for example, contours, bands, gamma contours etc). The value is a tuple of point dicts. Each point dict has the keywords x whose value is a floating point x coordinate and y whose value is a floating point y coordinate of the point.

low=low-limit, high=high-limit

These keywords are both required for gates that are slice-like (e.g. slices or gamma slices). They provide the floating point low and high limits of the gate acceptance region.


This keyword is required for bitmask gates like equal mask, and mask and not mask. Its value is an integer that supplies the actual bitmask value for the gate.


While all gates have name and type attributes, the other attributes described in this section are only present for appropirate gate types. For example, a primitive gate won't have a gates attribute while a compound gate will not have parameters.

To distinguish from empty values, if a gate does not have an attribute, attempting to read it will result in a return value of None.

Note that all attributes for gates objects are

readonly string name;

All gate types have this attribute. The gate's name is stored in this attribute.

readonly string type;

All gates have this attribute. The gate type string is stored in this attribute.

readonly tuple of strings parameters;

Only gate types that depend directly on parameters have this attribute. It contains a tuple of the names of the parameters the gate depends on. And gates are an example of a gate that will not have this attribute. slice, band, contour, gamma slices, bit mask gates etc. are examples of gate types that will have this attribute.

readonly tuple of strings gates;

Only compound gates will have this attribute. It is a tuple that contains the names of the gates this gate depends on. And, Or, Not gates all have this attribute but, for example, a slice gate won't have this attribute.

readonly float low;

Contains a floating point low limit for the gate. Only one dimensional slice-like gates like slices, and gamma slices have this attribute.

readonly float high;

As for low only slice like gates have this attribute. It contains the high limit for the gate.

readonly tuple of dicts points;

Only two dimensional figure like gates, such as contours, bands, gamma contours etc. have this attributes. It contains a tuple of point dicts. See the DESCRIPTION section for the definition of a point dict.

readonly integer mask;

Only bitmask gates have this attribute. It contains the bitmask that the gate checks against its parameter.


At present, only the change method is defined. It allows you to change any and all parts of the gate definition. The parameters to this method are the keyword parameters for the gate creation constructor (that is every parameter but the name positional parameter).

The keyword supplied must provide a proper gate definition for the gate type specified by the mandatory type keyword. If this is the case, the method generates a new replacement gate and replaces the gate the gate container the object has with that replacement gate.