

DBTreeVaroab;e -- Ecapsulate tree variable definitions.


#include <DBTreeVariable.h>

namespace SpecTclDB {
class DBTreeVariable {
    struct Info {
        int         s_id;
        int         s_saveset;
        std::string s_name;
        double      s_value;
        std::string s_units;
    static bool exists(CSqlite& conn, int saveid, const char* name);
    static DBTreeVariable* create(
        CSqlite& conn, int saveid, const char* name, double value,
        const char* units=""
    static std::vector<DBTreeVariable*> list(CSqlite& conn, int saveid);

    DBTreeVariable(CSqlite& connection, int saveid, const char* varname);
    const Info& getInfo() const;
    std::string getName() const;
    double      getValue() const;
    std::string getUnits() const;

}                              // namespace SpecTclDB



Event processor computatations in SpecTcl sometimes require tuning or steering parameters. These may need to be modified at run-time. For example; an energy calibration will need to have the coefficients of whatever polynomial is used to approximate the transformation from raw paramter value to energy. These values are often not known before looking at raw spectra with known peaks.

Tree Variables are variables that can be set at run-time from the SpecTcl GUI or command prompt, and accessed from C++ code as if they were simply C++ double precision floating point variables. The SpecTclDB::DBTreeVariable encapsulates the data associated with tree variable definitions in database save-sets.


static bool exists(CSqlite& conn = , int saveid = , const char* name = );

Returns true if a tree variable called name has been defined in the save set with the primary key of saveid in the database connected with conn. If no such tree variable exists, false is returned instead.

static DBTreeVariable* create(CSqlite& conn = , int saveid = , const char* nam = , double value = , const char* units = "");

Creates a new treevariable definition. In addition to having a name (name) and value (value), tree variables have an associated units of measure (units). By convention, if a tree variable is unit-less, the units should be an empty string.

The saveid parameter is the primary key of the saveset the variabl will be defined in. The database is conn

The return value is a pointer to a SpecTGclDB::DBTreeVariable. This object encapsulates the variable definition. The object pointed to is dynamically create so when the program no longer needs it it it should be deleted.

static std::vector<DBTreeVariable*> list(CSqlite& conn = , int saveid = );

Lists the tree variable definitions that are stored in the save set with primary key saveid in te database connecte via conn. The list is returned as a vector of pointers to dynamically created SpecTclDB::DBTreeVariable that must be deleted when the program no longer needs them.

DBTreeVariable(CSqlite& connectioN = , int saveid = , const char* varname = );

Looks up the tree variable definition named varname in the saveset with the primery key saveid in the database open on connection. Information about the tree variable is wrapped in the SpecTclDB::DBTreeVariable object being constructe..

const const Info& getInfo();

Tree variable objects wrapped cached information about the variable they wrap in a SpecTclDB::DBTreeVarible::Info struct. This method returns a const reference to that structure allowing free access to this data. Note that this struct is described in the DATA TYPES section below.

const std::string getName();

Returns the name of the tree variable wrapped by this object.

const double getValue();

Returns the current value of the variable wrapped by the this tree variable object.

const std::string getUnits();

Returns the units string of the tree variable wrapped by this object. Note that by convention, unitless values simply have an empty units string. The units string is only provided for human consumption.


As with all database objects in this library, the SpecTclDB::DBTreeVariable class provides an Info type defined internally. A const reference to this attribute can be retrieved using the getInfo method. The attribute caches information about the treevariable wrapped by the object and contains the following fields:


The primary key of the tree variable in the top level database table for tree variables.


The primary key of the save set that contains this tree variable definition in the top level table for save sets.

std::string s_name

The name of the tree variable.


The saved value of the tree variable.

std::string s_units

The units string of the tree variable at the time it was saved to the database.