Database Instance


Database Instance -- Manipulate a database


package require SpecTclDB ?1.0?

set db [DBTcl connect filename]

set saveset [$db createSaveset set-name]
set saveset [$db getSaveset    set-name]
set names [$db listSavesets]
set runs  [$db listRuns]
$db destroy


Database Instance

A database instance is a dynamically created command ensemble. The DBTcl connect command returns a value that is actually a command ensemble name.

Database Instance command ensembles have the following subcommands:


Creates a new save set in the database. The subcommand takes the save set as a parameter. The command result is a saveset instance command.

When no longer needed the saveset instance command should be destroyed using the destroy subcommand.


This command takes the name of an existing save set as a parameter. The saveset is looked up in the database and a new saveset instance command is wrapped around it.

The save set instance command is returned as the command's result. When the application no longer needs it, the save set instance command should be destroyed using its destroy method.


This subcommand returns a Tcl list containing the names of all savesets in the database.


Returns a Tcl list containing the run numbers that are saved in the database. Note that in principle a run can appear more than once, in several save sets. As SpecTcl uses the database, however each run will be in a saveset of its own along with the configuration used when run recording started, and any spectra on the auto save list at the time the end of run was seen.


Destroys the command freeing all resources associated with it. Once this subcommand has been executed, the instance command is no longer known to the interpreter.