Save set Instance


Save set Instance -- Manipulate save sets


package require SpecTclDB ?1.0?

set db [DBTcl connect filename]
set saveset [$db createSaveset saveset]
set saveset [$db getSaveset saveset]

$saveset destroy
set info [$saveset info]

$saveset createParameter name number ?low high bins ?units??
set info [$saveset listParameters]
set info [$saveset findParameter param-name]

$saveset createSpectrum name type parameters axes ?datatype?
if {[$saveset spectrumExists name]} {...}
set info [$saveset findSpectrum name]
set info [$saveset listSpectra]

$saveset create1dGate name type parameter-list low high
$saveset create2dGate name type parameter-list point-list
$saveset createCompoundGate name type gate-list
$saveset createMaskGate name type parameter mask
if {[$saveset gateExists gate-name]} {...}
set info [$saveset findGate name]
set info [$saveset listGates]

$saveset applyGate gate-name spectrum-name
set info [$saveset findApplication gate-name spectrum-name]
set info [$saveset listApplications]

$saveset createVariable name value ?units?
if {[$saveset variableExists name]} {...}
set info [$saveset findVariable name]
set info [$saveset listVariables]

if {[$saveset hasChannels spectrum-name]} {...}
$saveset storeChannels spectrum-name channel-spec-list
set info [$saveset getChannels spectrum-name]

set run-numbers [$saveset listRuns]
set info [$saveset getRunInfo]
set scaler-data [$saveset getScalers run-number]



A save set instance command is returned from the database instance commands sub commands for creating and looking up save sets. It is a dynamically created command ensemble who's subcommands allow applications to query and manipulate the save set. You can think of this command ensemble as an object wrapping of a save set whose subcommands are methods on that object.

Once the application no longer needs a specific save set instance command, its destroy subcommand should be called to release all resources owned by the command. Once destroy is called, the the save set instance command is no longer known to Tcl.

The subcommands of a saveset instance command provide an API that allows access to the following classes of data stored in the save-set.

Save Set information subcommands


Destroys the command and frees all resources managed by it. This should be invoked when the application no longer needs a specifid save set intance. Once called, the save set instance command is no longer known to the Tcl interpreter.


This subcommand returns a dict that describes the save set this command wraps. The dict has the following key/value pairs:


Primary key of the root record for this save set in the root saveset table (see schema documentation for more information).


Name of the save set.


The time at which the saveset was created. This value can be formatted for humans via clock format.

Parameter subcommands


Creates new parameter definition. The command requires the following mandatory parameters: name of the new parameter, which must not be defined in the saveset, number, for SpecTcl the number of the slot in CEvent objects in which the parameter will be stored.

If creating a tree parameter, with metadata, three more parameters are required and one optional: low, high, bins describe the recommended axis range and binning for spectra on the parameter and the optional units provides a units of measure.

If the units of measure are not provided for a tree parameter the when fetched, the units of measure will be an empty string.


Returns a possibly empty list of dicts. Each element of the list describes one of the parameters defined in the dictionary. The dicts have the following key/value pairs.


The primary key of the parameter in the parameter table. See the schema documentation in this appendix for more information.


Name of the parameter.


The CEvent slot number in SpecTcl where this parameter is stored when created from an event.


Only present for tree parameters. The recommended axis low limit.


The recommended axis high limit. Only present with tree parameters.


The recommended axis binning, only present for tree parameters.


Units of measure, only present for tree parameters.


This subcommand accepts a parameter name. If a parameter by that name has been defined in the saveset, information about it is returned. If not an error is raised. The parameter information is a dict with the key/value pairs described in listParameters above.

Spectrum subcommands


Creates a new spectrum definition. This requires four parameters: In order a spectrum name, a spectrumtype string, a list of the parameters the spectrum depends on and a list of one or two axis-definitions. An optional fifth parameter provides the data type of each channel in the spectrum. This can be long, word, or byte.

Axis definitions are three element lists containing low, high bins in that order. If the parameter(s) for an axis are tree parameters it may make sense to use the values from those parameters.


Accepts the name of a spectrum and returns a boolean true if that spectrum has a definition in the save set.


Takes the name of a spectrum as a parameter. If the spectrum exists, a dict describing it is returned. If not an error is raised. The dict returned, has the following key/value pairs:


Value of the primary key of the spectrum definition in the root table for spectrum definitions. See the schema documentation for more informtion.


Name of the spectrum.


Spectrum Type string.


List of the name sof parameters required by the spectrum.


List of one or two axis definitions. The axis definitions are dicts with the keys low, high and bins.


The data type string e.g. long, word or byte


Returns a list of spectrum definitions. Each spectrum definition is a dict as described in findSpectrum.

Gate subcommands.

Note that when dumping gate definitions to the database, dependency analysis must be done to ensure that no gate is saved before all gates it depends on have been saved. This is because compound gates can depend on other compound gates.


Creates a pointe gate with a one dimensional region of acceptance. The parameters required by this gate are, in order, name of the gate, the gate type string, a parameter-list of the parameters used by the gate and finally, the low and high limits of the acceptance region.

Note that unlike for SpecTcl, where gates can be redefined, the database gate names must be unique within the context of a save set. This is because save sets are intended to capture a snapshot of object definitions rather than be the live configurtion store.


Creates a point gate with a two dimensional acceptance region. Note that the acceptance region is define by both the points and the gate type. For example contour gates define the acceptance region to be a closed figure while bands define the acceptance region to be the region below the connected line segments defined by the points.

The crete2dGate command requires the following parameters: The gate name, the gate type, the parameter-list of parameters needed by the gate and a point-list

The point-list is a Tcl list of pairs of doubles. The first element of each pair is a point x coordinate and the second the point's y coordinate. Note that the order in which points are listed is, of course significant as the 2-d figure represented is drawn from line segments that connect adjacent points.


Creates a compound gate. A compound gate performs a boolean operation on a list of dependent gates to deterimine the truth or falsity of an event. This subcommand requires the following additional parameters: The gate name, the get type, a gate-list which is a list of the names of the dependent gates.

While the order in which the gates are provided to the gate-list does not affect the value of the gate, if you know something about the frequency with which the component gates are true, you can influnce the performance of the gate evaluation. This is because short circuit evaluation is done. Or gates are true the when the first gate in the list is true, so ordering these gates in the probability they are true improves performance. And gates are false when a first false gate is encountered, so ordering these in increasing probability they will be true improves performance.


Creates a mask gate. Additional parameters are the gate name, the gate type, and the mask applied by the gate.


Accepts the name of a gate as its single parameter and returns a boolean true value if that gate is defined in the database.


Takes a gate name as an additional parameter and, if the gate is defined, returns a dict that describes the gate. If the gate does not exist an error is raised. The dict contains the following key/value pairs.


The id of the gate in the root gate definition table. See the schema documentation for more information.


The gate name.


The SpecTcl gate type string.


The gate type classification. This determines which aditional fields the dict will have. Valid values are point, mask and compound

parameters (point, mask)

The parameters the gate depends on.

gates (compound)

The gates this gate depends on.

points (point)

The gate points as a list dicts. Each dict has an x and y key. For one dimensional point gates, the y value should be ignored.

mask (mask)

The bitmask used by mask gates.


Returns a list of dicts of the form described for findGate above. The dicts describe all of the gate definitions in the safe set.

Gate application subcommands.


Takes two parameter, a gate-name and a spectrum-name and creates a definition that the gate is applied to the spectrum.


Returns informtaion about the application of gtae-name to spectrum-name. Currently the only additional information provided is the primary key from the gate application table.

If no matching application exits, an error is raised. If there is a match, a dict with the following key/value pairs is returned.


The primary key of the gate.


Name of the gate.


Spectrum to which this gate is applied.


Returns a list of dicts of the form returned by findApplication that describes all of the gate applications in the database.

Tree variable subcommands


Creates a new tree variable. Two parameters, the name and value of the variable are required. An optional third units parameter provides the units of measure for the parameter. If units are not provided, the units will be an empty string.


Accepts a name and returns a boolean true if the name exists in the save set.


Accepts the parameter name and, if the parameter exists returns a dict that describes the parameter's definition. If the parameter does not exist, an error is raised.

The resulting dict has the following key/value pairs:


The primary key of the variblein the top level variable table. See the database schema for more information.


Name of the tree variable.


Value of the parameter (a double float).


The units of measure string. This will be an empty string if no units of measure were provided.


Returns a list of dicts. Each dict has the form described in findVariable above. The list provides all of the variable definitions in the save set.

Spectrum Channel access.


Takes a spectrum name as an additional mandatory parameter. Returns a boolean true value if the named spectrum in the save set has channel data associated with it. Throws an error if the spectrum is not defined in this save set.


Stores channel data for a spectrum defined in the save set. Any existing data for that spectrum is overwritten. The command requires a pair of parameters. The first is name of the spectrum. The second a list that contains the channel-spec-list (channel specification list).

The channel specification list is a list of three item lists. Each element of the outer list defines a channel value for a non-zero channel. Specifically, The elements in the list are the X channel, the Y channel and the data in the channel. For a 1-d Spectrum, the Y channel should be zero.

Note that typically, only non-zero channels need to be representd and the data is the same format as that returned from the SpecTcl scontents command. If a spectrum has no non-zero channels, in order to ensure that hasChannels works properly, you need to provide a single element (normally {0 0 0}), with no counts so that there will be a database entry for the spectrum's channels.


Accepts a spectrum name parameter and returns the channel data associated with that spectrum in the save set. If the spectrum has no channels an error is raised.

The result is a list of three element lists containing X channel number, Y channel number and the number of counts in that channel. For one dimensional spectra, the Y channel number should be ignored.

Run and scaler data

Access to run data ans caler data are limited and there is currently no support to generate these data from Tcl as it is assumed these data usually come from the high perfromance C++ parts of the application.


Returns a (possibily empty) list of the runnumbers that have data saved for them in this saveset. The C++ API suports saving data from more than one run in a save set. SpecTcl, however does not do that. When run data recording starts, it makes a new save set and saves the analysis state prior to beginnning to record data.


Accepts a run number and, if that run is in the saveset, returns information about it. If the run is not in the saveset,

The information about the run is returned as a dict that contains the following key/value pairs:


Name of the save set this run is stored in.


Run number.


Title string for the run.


Timestamp for when the run started. you can use clock format to turn this into a human readable date and time string.

stop_time (optional)

Time at which the run ended. This will not be present if either the data were not all fully recorded or the run was not properly ended (had no end run record). If there were multiple end run records as there are for event built data in NSCLDAQ-11, the time of the last one is recorded.


Accepts a run number as an argument and returns a list of scaler readouts. for that run. Each element of the list is a dict with the following key/value pairs.


The event builder source id from which these data came. Each data source will have a unique integer id that identifies it. The scalers readout for each source will, in general be different and not summable.


Time offset into the run at which counting for this readout started. See divisor as well.


Time offset into the run that marked the end of this sclaer accumulation.


Doing a floating point division of either start or stop by the divisor computes those times in seconds into the run. The divisor allows for offset resolutions better than one second.


Time of day timestamp at which the scalers were read. This can be turned into something human readable with clock format.


The scaler channel data thta was read.