RingItemFactory (version 10)


RingItemFactory (verson 10) -- Generate v10 ring item objects.


#include <v10/RingItemFactory.h>

namespace v10 {
    class RingItemFactory : public RingItemFactoryBase {
        ::CRingItem* makeRingItem(uint16_t type, size_t maxBody);
        ::CRingItem* makeRingItem(uint16_t type, uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t sourceId,
                size_t maxBody, uint32_t barrierType = 0 );
        ::CRingItem* makeRingItem(const ::CRingItem& rhs);
        ::CRingItem* makeRingItem(const RingItem* pRawRing);
        virtual CRingItem* getRingItem(CRingBuffer& ringbuf) ;
        virtual CRingItem* getRingItem(int fd) ;
        virtual CRingItem* getRingItem(std::istream& in);
        virtual std::ostream& putRingItem(const CRingItem* pItem, std::ostream& out) ;
        virtual void putRingItem(const CRingItem* pItem, int fd) ;
        virtual void putRingItem(const CRingItem* pItem, CRingBuffer& ringbuf) ;
        virtual CAbnormalEndItem* makeAbnormalEndItem() ;
        virtual CAbnormalEndItem* makeAbnormalEndItem(const CRingItem& rhs) ;
        virtual CDataFormatItem* makeDataFormatItem() ;
        virtual CDataFormatItem* makeDataFormatItem(const CRingItem& rhs);
        virtual CGlomParameters* makeGlomParameters(
            uint64_t interval, bool isBuilding, uint16_t policy
        virtual CGlomParameters* makeGlomParameters(const CRingItem& rhs) ;
        virtual CPhysicsEventItem* makePhysicsEventItem(size_t maxBody) ;
        virtual CPhysicsEventItem* makePhysicsEventItem(
            uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t source, uint32_t barrier,
            size_t maxBody
        ) ;
        virtual CPhysicsEventItem* makePhysicsEventItem(const CRingItem& rhs) ;
        virtual CRingFragmentItem* makeRingFragmentItem(
            uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t source, uint32_t payloadSize,
            const void* payload, uint32_t barrier=0
        ) ;
        virtual CRingFragmentItem* makeRingFragmentItem(const CRingItem& rhs) ;
        virtual CRingPhysicsEventCountItem* makePhysicsEventCountItem(
            uint64_t count, uint32_t timeoffset, time_t stamp,
            int divisor=1
        virtual CRingPhysicsEventCountItem* makePhysicsEventCountItem(const CRingItem& rhs);
        virtual CRingScalerItem* makeScalerItem(size_t numScalers);
        virtual CRingScalerItem* makeScalerItem(
            uint32_t startTime,
            uint32_t stopTime,
            time_t   timestamp,
            std::vector<uint32_t> scalers,
            bool                  isIncremental = true,
            uint32_t              sid = 0,
            uint32_t              timeOffsetDivisor = 1
        virtual CRingScalerItem* makeScalerItem(const CRingItem& rhs);
        virtual CRingTextItem* makeTextItem(
            uint16_t type,
            std::vector<std::string> theStrings
        virtual CRingTextItem* makeTextItem(
            uint16_t type,
            std::vector<std::string> theStrings,
            uint32_t                 offsetTime,
            time_t                   timestamp, uint32_t divisor=1
        virtual CRingTextItem* makeTextItem(const CRingItem& rhs);
        virtual CUnknownFragment* makeUnknownFragment(
            uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t sourceid, uint32_t barrier,
            uint32_t size, void* pPayload
        virtual CUnknownFragment* makeUnknownFragment(const CRingItem& rhs);
        virtual CRingStateChangeItem* makeStateChangeItem(
            uint32_t itemType, uint32_t runNumber,
            uint32_t timeOffset,
            time_t   timestamp,
            std::string title
        virtual CRingStateChangeItem* makeStateChangeItem(const CRingItem& rhs);



v10::RingItemFactory is a factory class that creates ring items for NSCLDAQ version 10. The classes in this format class hierarchy are all in the v10 namespace. They derive directly from the corresponding classes in the abstract format items described in the previous section.

Note that this allows return values to be pointer to those classes.

Since all items are dynamically created via new, we recommend that you use these factory methods to initialize smart pointers. For example, if you read a ring item from an event file you might have a code fragment that looks like the following

Example 4-1. Using smart pointers with the v10 factory object

#include <v10/RingItemFactory.h>
#include <v10/DataFormat.h>
#include <CRingItem.h>                 (1)
#include <CRingScalerItem.h>
#include <memory>
#include <fstream>

std::ifstream in("run-0012-00.evt", ios::in | ios::binary); (2)

v10::RingItemFactory fact;
std::unique_ptr<CRingItem> item(fact.getRingItem(in));  (3)

if (item->type() == v10::INCREMENTAL_SCALERS ||
    item->type() == v10::TIMESTAMPED_NONINCR_SCALERS)) {
    std::unique_ptr<CRingScalerItem> scaler(fact.makeScalerItem(*item)); (4)
    processScalers(scaler);                                (5)


The headers we need include the data format header which supplies the ring item types, the factory the base CRingItem and CRingScalerItem definitions so that the compiler knows the virtual method interfaces.

The file stream header and memory header are needed to get data from the stream and to store pointers into a smart pointer object to ensure the objects we create get destroyed.

When opening a stream on an event file we must not only specify we're going to read it but that we'll also want the stream opened in binary mode to prevent any character based translations that otherwise might occur.
The factories provide a method to read a ring item from a stream and wrap it with a CRingItem base class. This line does that and stores the pointer to the resulting, dynamically created object in a std::unique_ptr so that we don't have to worry about deallocating the object later in the code.
After determining that item 'points' to a scaler item, we use the makeScalerItem factory method to take a copy of the data and wrap it in a version 10 scaler item. The pointer to this is also stored in a std::unique_ptr object.
The processScaler call just represents some arbitrary processing. While item is valid after the if block exits, the scaler object is freed when that block exits so all processing of the scaler must be done prior to exiting that block.


::CRingItem* makeRingItem(uint16_t type, size_t maxBody);

Creates a new ring item that is undifferentiated, that is it implements no type specific methods. type is put in the ring item header's type field. Storage capacity sufficient for a body of up to maxBody bytes of data are reserved though you'll need to communicate the size of the item (normally via the object's setBodyCursor and updateSize methods) to actually fill in the header's size field.

The returned value is a pointer to a v10::CRingItem object (cast to ::CRingItem). The caller is responsible for deleting the object when it is no longer needed (e.g. by initializing a smart pointer object with it).

::CRingItem* makeRingItem(uint16_t type, uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t sourceId, size_t maxBody, uint32_t barrierType = 0);

Creates an undifferentiateded ring item that is parameterized for a body header. Since version 10 does not support body headers, the remaining parameters are silently ignored. This method, however allows the V10 factory to be treated interchangeably with e.g. the V11 factory once it has been created.

::CRingItem* makeRingItem(const ::CRingItem& rhs);

Makes a ring item by copying the contents of another ring item. Note that the results are not well defined if the rhs item comes from a different ring item format than this factory (e.g. is a version 12 ring item).

In practice this is not a problem unless you are writing a format converter.

::CRingItem* makeRingItem(const RingItem* pRawRing);

Wraps a raw ring item in a v10::CRingItem object and returns a pointer to that object.

virtual CRingItem* getRingItem(CRingBuffer& ringbuf);

Reads a ring item from the ringbuffer ringbuf and wraps it in a new v10::CRingBuffer.

ringbuf must be attached to the ring buffer in consumer mode.

virtual CRingItem* getRingItem(int fd);

Reads a ring item from the entity open on the linux file descriptor fd and wraps it into a new v10::CRingBuffer.

virtual CRingItem* getRingItem(std::istream& in);

Reads a ring item from the C++ istream referenced by in and wraps it in a v10::CRingItem.

virtual std::ostream& putRingItem(const CRingItem* pItem, std::ostream& out);

Puts the wrapped ring item pointed to by pItem in the std::ostream referenced by out. The raw binary of the ring item is output which allows it to be read in using getRingItem at some later date.

The out stream must be open for write and in binary mode. Note any actual ring item type can be used for the pItem since they all ultimately descend from ::CRingItem.

The method, like most C++ stream I/O methods, returns a reference to out following the put.

virtual void putRingItem(const ::CRingItem* pItem, int fd);

Writes the ring item pointed to by pItem to the file descriptor fd

virtual void putRingItem(const ::CRingItem* pItem, CRingBuffer& ringbuf);

Writes the ring item pointed to by pItem to the ringbuffer referenced by ringbuf. ringbuf must be attached to the ring buffer in producer mode.

virtual ::CAbnormalEndItem* makeAbnormalEndItem();

Creates a new abnormal end run item. Note that this item type was added to the NSCLDAQ ring item set after version 10. This method therefore always returns a nullptr

virtual ::CAbnormalEndItem* makeAbnormalEndItem(const CRingItem& rhs);

Normally, if rhs references an abnormal end item, this will create a new copy of that item with the specific type, a pointer to v10::CAbnormalEndItem. However, since the abnormal end ring item type was introduced after version 10, this always throws std::bad_cast.

virtual ::CDataFormatItem* makeDataFormatItem();

Normally, this creates a new data format item. This ring item type, however was introduced after NSCLDAQ version 10. This method therefore returns a nullptr

virtual ::CDataFormatItem* makeDataFormatItem(const CRingItem& rhs);

Normally, if rhs references a data format item, this method will produce a duplicate item and return a pointer to it. However, since the data format ring item type was introduced after version 10, this method always throws a std::bad_cast.

virtual ::CGlomParameters* makeGlomParameters(uint64_t interval, bool isBuilding, uint16_t policy);

Normally this would produce an event builder (glom) parameter documentation ring item. However, since this item type was introduced after version 10, this will always return nullptr.

::CGlomParameters* makeGlomParameters(const ::CRingItem& rhs);

Normally creates a glom parameters item from the contents of rhs, if it is a glom parameters item. However, since the glom parameters item type was introduced after version 10, this always throws std::bad_cast.

virtual ::CPhysicsEventItem* makePhysicsEventItem(size_t maxBody);

Creates and returns a pointer to a physics event item (v10::CPhysicsEventItem). The capacity of the item will be sufficient for the item to have a body of maxBody.

virtual ::CPhysicsEventItem* makePhysicsEventItem(uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t source, uint32_t barrier, size_t maxBody);

Makes a physics event with a body header filled in from the additional parameters. Note, however that since body headers were introduced in format versions later than 10; the additional parameters are silently ignored and a physics item is made in version 10 format.

virtual ::CPhysicsEventItem* makePhysicsEventItem(const ::CRingItem& rhs);

Given an undifferentiated ring item that encapsulates a physics event item in rhs, constructs an actual v10::CPhysicsEventItem returning a pointer to the constructed item. If the type of the item is not v10::PHYSICS_EVENT a std::bad_cast exception is thrown.

Note that if the item is from a different version of NSCLDAQ, the behavior of the resulting item is not welll defined. Consider for example, if rhs is v11 ring item with a body header. The resulting v10::CPhysicsEventItem object will think the body begins where the body header lives and will continue to claim the object has no body header and act accordingly.

virtual ::CRingFragmentItem* makeRingFragmentItem(uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t source, uint32_t payloadSize, const void* payload, uint32_t barrier = 0);

Returns a ring fragment item with the timestamp, source id and barrier as described by the timestamp, source, and barrier parameters. The payload size and contents are as in payloadSize and payload.

virtual ::CRingFragmentItem* makeRingFragmentItem(const ::CRingItem& rhs);

If rhs is a ring fragment item returns a fragment item that is functionally equivalent to rhs. If rhs is not a fragment item, throws a std::bad_cast exception.

virtual ::CRingPhysicsEventCountItem* makePhysicsEventCountItem(uint64_t count, uint32_t timeoffset, time_t stamp, int divisor = 1);

Makes a physics event count item in version 10 format. count must be the number of triggers handled by the readout system at timeoffset into the run. divisor is the number of ticks of timeoffset in one second.

stamp is the clock time at which the item is being created (should be during the run not during analysis). It can be generated by a call to the unix time service.

virtual ::CRingPhysicsEventCountItem* makePhysicsEventCountItem(const ::CRingItem& rhs);

If rhs is an undifferentiated ring item that wraps a physics event count item, this method creates a new v10::CRingPhysicsEventCountItem that contains the same information as rhs.

Note that if rhs is not a v10::PHYSICS_EVENT_COUNT ring item, a std::bad_cast exception is thrown. The behavior of this generator method is not well defined if the ring item comes from another version of NSCLDAQ.

virtual ::CRingScalerItem* makeScalerItem(size_t numScalers);

Create a scaler item for V10 that has storage reserved for numScalers scalers. The interval start and end time must be set at a later time. The scaler storage is initialized to zero and the clock time stamp is initialized to the time this method is called.

virtual ::CRingScalerItem* makeScalerItem(uint32_t startTime, uint32_t stopTime, time_t timestamp, std::vector<uint32_t> scalers, bool isIncremental = true, uint32_t sid = 0, uint32_t timeOffsetDivisor = 1);

Creates a version 10 scaler item that is fully populated. There are two types of version 10 scaler raw ring items. The actual type produced depends on the isincremental value. If true, an incremental scaler item is produced. Otherwise a non incremental high resolution time scaler item is produced (see v10/DataFormat.h).

The scaler counting interval is between startTime and stopTime. If incremental is true these must be in units of seconds. If incremental is true, the number of ticks in a second is given by timeOffsetDivisor.

The scalers vector provides the counter values. timestamp provides the clock time at which the scalers were read.

Since v10 ring items have no concept of a source id, the sid parameter is ignored.

virtual ::CRingScalerItem* makeScalerItem(const CRingItem& rhs);

If rhs is a scaler item a new v10::CRingScalerItem is made from the data in rhs. If rhs is not of type v10::INCREMENTAL_SCALERS, or v10::TIMESTAMPED_NONINCR_SCALERS a std::bad_cast exception is thrown.

virtual CRingTextItem* makeTextItem(uint16_t type, std::vector<std::string> theStrings);

Creates an item that contains text strings. type is the ring item type and must be one of v10::PACKET_TYPES or v10::MONITORED_VARIABLES. The strings themselves are taken from the vector theStrings.

The clock time is filled in from the time at which this method is called and the run time offset is initialized to 0

virtual CRingTextItem* makeTextItem(uint16_t type, std::vector<std::string> theStrings, uint32_t offsetTime, time_t timestamp, uint32_t divisor = 1);

Same as the previous methods however the additional parameters serve to initialize other bits otf the ring item: offsetTime and divisor descdribe the offset into the run at which the item was emitted, however the divisor is ignored in v10 and offsetTime must be in units of seconds. timestamp is the clock time to associated with the item.

virtual CRingTextItem* makeTextItem(const CRingItem& rhs);

Given an undifferentiated ring item; rhs that encpasulates a valid text item creats a new v10::CRingTextItem from the data in rhs. If the item is not a valid v10 text item, a std::bad_cast exception is thrown.

virtual CUnknownFragment* makeUnknownFragment(uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t sourceid, uint32_t barrier, uint32_t size, void* pPayload);

Returns nullptr because the unknown fragment ring item type was only introduced after version 10.

virtual CUnknownFragment* makeUnknownFragment(const CRingItem& rhs);

Throws a std::bad_cast exception because the unknown fragment ring item type was not introduced until after version 10.

virtual CRingStateChangeItem* makeStateChangeItem(uint32_t itemType, uint32_t runNumber, uint32_t timeOffset, time_t timestamp, std::string title);

Creates a new run state change item formatted for version 10. The itemType defines the new run state and must be one of v10::BEGIN_RUN, v10::PAUSE_RUN, v10::RESUME_RUN, or v10::END_RUN. If it is none of those, a std::bad_cast exception is thrown.

The remaining parameters define parameters of the run: runNumber is the unique number of the run. timeOffset is the offset into the run at which the state change occurerd. In v10, this must be in units of seconds. timestamp is the clock time at which the state transition happened. Finally, title is the title string associated with the run.

Note that all state change items associated with the same run should have the same title and run number. This is not enforced. The timeOffset for a v10::BEGIN_RUN item should always be 0, but this too is not enforced. Finally, the timestamp parameter can be the output of a call to the unix time function.

virtual CRingStateChangeItem* makeStateChangeItem(const CRingItem& rhs);

If rhs is an undifferentiated ring item that encapsualtes a valid v10 run state transition ring object, a new v10::CRingStateChangeItem is created encapsulating the same information. If rhs is not a valid v10 run state transition item, a std::bad_cast exception is thrown.