4.2. NSCLDAQ version 10 format

Table of Contents
RingItemFactory (version 10) -- Generate v10 ring item objects.
CRingItem (version 10) -- Version 10 ring item class.
CRingFragmentItem (version 10) -- Event builder fragment
CRingPhysicsEventCountItem (v10) -- Encapsulate trigger count ring item.
CRingScalerItem (v10) -- Encapsulate a scaler counts ring item.
CRingStateChangeItem (v10) -- Encapsulate run state change ring items.
CRingTextItem (v10) -- Encapsulate a set of textual strings

Version 10 of NSCLDAQ is the earliest version of NSCLDAQ that used ringbuffers and ring items for data flow. As such, its data format is the most primitive. Version 10 does not support body headers. Event building in NSCLDAQ 10 motivated the addition of body headers in later versions.

The version 10 headers are in the v10 subdirectory of the installation headers. Furthermore all classes and definitions live in the v10 namespace. The v10/DataFormat.h header provides formatting data and structs for the NSCLDAQ version 10 internals.