Chapter 11. Examples (Beginning 11.2-009).

This chapter describse examples that are installed with NSCLDAQ. These examples can be found in DAQROOT/share/examples.

The exmamples are intended to provide complete programs or scripts that can be used by you as a starting point for your own applications. Examples have been written to provide examples of best practices in writing software that uses NSCLDAQ.

If you want to help us improve this documentation, if you have suggestions for examples you'd like to see, send us email at scientificsoftware at (I'm sure you can figure out how to de-spamify this email addresss and I hope web scraping programs cannot).

At present the following examples are distributed with NSCLDAQ:

ReadNSCLDAQFiles - analyze NSCLDAQ data

Provides a program and a framework for analyzing event builder output from the NSCLDAQ. The framework is encapsulated in a program that can read data from file or online ring buffers. The framework can be embedded into Root or SpecTcl without much trouble.

11.1. ReadNSCLDAQFiles - analyze NSCLDAQ data (released 11.2-009)

This example provides a framework for analyzing NSCLDAQ data. It consists of the following parts:

Each sub-section below describs one of these elements. Sub-sections are organized as follows.

11.1.1. A framework for analyzing fragments from and event

Data from the NSCL event builder are ring items that with bodies that are composed of event fragments. Event Builder describes the structure of an event in detail. Each event fragment contains a header and a payload. Each payload is a ring item. Beginning with nscldaq-11.0 each ring item body can have a body header. Normally the event builder client software (CRingDataSource) uses the contents of this body header to build the fragment header. Thus there is some data repetition.

We want to provide a framework that knows as little as possible about the format of the underlying data so that we can be insensitive to changes in the data format as NSCLDAQ evolves. To maintain this insensitivity we're going to use two chunks of the NSCLDAQ API:


This class provide support for iterating through the event builder fragments in a ring item body. It insulates us from having to know the structure of data created by the event builder.


The base class of a hierarchy of classes that insulate us from the actual struture of the various NSCLDAQ ring items. The list of class references, with links to the reference pages are described here.

Using these classes insulates us from the format of the ring item parts of each event builder fragment.


The CRingItem class is a concrete class and, high level software like, e.g. SpecTcl does not need to know much more than the ring item type. Your analysis software will need to turn a CRingItem base class item into an object from the class hierarchy that accurately reflects the contents of the item.

The two tools you have for this are the ring item types in the header DataFormat.h and the the CRingItemFactory. The DataFormat.h header describes the detailed structure of each ring item type, but we're hoping to use the CRingItem class hierarchy to avoid knowing about that. It also provides symbolic definitions for the ring item types.

The CRingItemFactory knows how to take either a CRingItem base class object or a pointer to a raw ring item and turn it in to an appropriately typed ring item object. For example, if the type of a CRingItem object is BEGIN_RUN, the factor can produce a CRingStateChange object.

Our framework is going to accept a ring item. If the ring item is a PHYSICS_EVENT, it will iterate over the event builder fragments in the body. For each fragment, it will invoke an appropriate handler object, if registered. After iterating over all the fragments, it will invoke an end of event handler, if one is registered.

The idea is that each event fragment handler knows about the format of the data in its fragment. The end of event handler, if needed, can compute data that has been marshalled across all the fragment handlers.

The files that make up the framework are:


Defines an abstract base class that framework users derive from to create specific fragment handlers. We'll look at this in detail when we look at the sample handlers in the next section.


Defines an abstract base class that framework users derive from to create a specific end of event handler. Again, we'll look at this base class in detail in the next section.


Defines and implements the CRingItemDecoder which is the actual framework class. The remainder of this section will be devoted to this class. Note that you should get the code itself from the examples/ReadNSCLDAQFiles source as we've omitted chunks of code that don't add to understanding here.

Let's look at the class definition for CRingItemDecoder (CRingItemDecoder.h).

class CRingItemDecoder {
    std::map<std::uint32_t, CFragmentHandler*> m_fragmentHandlers; (1)
    CEndOfEventHandler* m_endHandler;                                    (2)

    void registerFragmentHandler(
        std::uint32_t sourceId, CFragmentHandler* pHandler             (3)
    void registerEndHandler(CEndOfEventHandler* pHandler);             (4)
    void operator()(CRingItem* pItem);                                 (5)


    void decodePhysicsEvent(CPhysicsEventItem* pItem);                (6)
    void decodeOtherItems(CRingItem* pItem);                          (7)

The class maintains a dictionary that maps fragment source ids to fragment handler objects. Entries in this dict are pointers to those fragment handlers. Indices are source ids from the fragment headers.

The map is a trade off between lookup performance and space requirements. A vector could be used, with unused slots having null pointers. This would have O(1) lookup performance. It could also get large if source ids are large. The map only uses the elements it needs, however the tradeoff is that the lookup performance is O(log2(n)) where n is the number of handlers that have been established. Since typically very few handler are needed, this is an acceptable trade-off.

For O(1) lookup without the space requirements of a vector an std::unordered_map could be used for some suitable definition of a hashing function.

If not null, the user has established an end of event handler. The end of event handler is an object that is invoked (we'll see later what invoked means) when all fragments in an event have been processed. It allows computations that span the fragments, given cooperating fragment handlers.

In applications of this framework to SpecTcl the functions performed by an end of event handler could be done more simply with another event processor.

If we have a set of fragment handlers we need an mechanism to add new fragment handlers. sourceId is the source id our handler will work on. The source id defines where the fragment came from, and therefore the payload contents. pHandler is a pointer to the object that will be invoked for fragments that have a matching sourceId.
Similarly provides a mechanis to register an end of event handler. pHandler is a pointer to the actual handler object.
The operator() makes instances of this class a functor. Functors are objects that can be called as if they were functions. Since these are full objects, they can also hold and use state (like the handler information).

This method is used to pass a ring item from the outside to the the framework. This design separates obtaining ring items from processing them. It is this separation that allows us to transplant the framework into e.g. Root or SpecTcl. As long as we can get our hands on a stream of ring items, this framework can be used to process them.

This illustrates a software design principle that is very important called Separation of concerns. (see e.g. When concerns are not separated the resulting software can be very fragile or hard to adapt to other environments.

Called by operator() to process PHYSICS_EVENT ring items. We'll look into this more when we look at the implementation of the class.
Called by operator() to process ring items that are not PHYSICS_EVENT items. We'll examine this in more detail when as we study the implementation of the class.

Let's look at the implementation source code (CRingItemDecoder.cpp). We'll divide this into:

  • Examining code to establish handlers.

  • Examining code that processes ring items (the function call operator and the methods it call). Handler registration

Two methods are responsible for handler registration. Both are quite trivial:

CRingItemDecoder::registerFragmentHandler(std::uint32_t sourceId, CFragmentHandl
er* pHandler)
    m_fragmentHandlers[sourceId] = pHandler;         (1)
CRingItemDecoder::registerEndHandler(CEndOfEventHandler* pHandler)
    m_endHandler = pHandler;                         (2)


Fragments are registered by entering them in the m_fragmentHandlers map using the sourceId they handle as the index. This implies that registering a fragment handler overrides any pre-existing fragment handler for that source id.

As we will see later, registering a null fragment handler removes any fragment handler.

The end handler registration just stores the pointer in m_endHandler. Again, as we'll see later, registering a null handler is the same as cancelling the handler. Note that we've not shown the class constructor, however it explicitly initializes m_endHandler to be a null pointer. Ring item processing.

Next let's turn our attention to the function call operator (operator()). This method is repsonsible for dispatching the ring item it receives to either decodePhysicsEvent or decodeOtherItems. Naturally, this scheme can be extended to dispatch to other methods (such as state change handlers).

Let's look at the implementation code:

CRingItemDecoder::operator()(CRingItem* pItem)
    std::uint32_t itemType = pItem->type();               (1)
    CRingItem* pActualItem =
        CRingItemFactory::createRingItem(*pItem);         (2)

    if (itemType == PHYSICS_EVENT) {
        CPhysicsEventItem* pPhysics =
            dynamic_cast<CPhysicsEventItem*>(pActualItem); (3)
        if (!pPhysics) {
            std::cerr << "Error item type was PHYSICS_EVENT but factory could no
t convert it";
        decodePhysicsEvent(pPhysics);                  (4)
    } else {
        decodeOtherItems(pActualItem);                 (5)
    delete pActualItem;                                (6)


Ring items have types that are defined symbolically DataFormat.h. The base class CRingItem provides the type method to extract the type from the ring item it encapsulates.
The ring item passed in to operator() is a base class object. In order to make produtive use of it, it needs to be converted to an object of the actual type of the underlying ring item.

The CRingItemFactory class provides static methods for creating appropriate ring item objects from either a pointer to a raw unencapsulated ring item or a pointer to a base class ring item.

Be aware that the resulting pointer points to a dynamically allocated ring item that must be deleted when no longer needed.

The CRingItem::createRingItem method returns a pointer to the actual underlying ring item but, because of how C++ works, the type of that pointer needs to be CRingItem*. To actually call methods in the actual ring item type that are not defined in the base class, that pointer must be cast to a pointer to the actual object type.

The method of choice for this is a dynamic_cast that method uses C++ run time type information (RTTI) to determine if the cast is actually proper. If not a null pointer is returned. While we already know this is a physics event item, safe programming says we should ensure the dynamic cast succeeded.

Dynamic casts can also cast to references, however in that case, failure results in an exception of type std::bad_cast being thrown.

Now that we've produced the actual physics event item, we can invoke decodePhysicsEvent to decode the actual event.
Ring items that are not of type PHYSICS_EVENT get passed to decodeOtherItems. In environments where you want to handle specific items other than physics events, best practices would be for operator() to follow the template shown for PHYSICS_EVENT and provide a specific method to process each class of ring item type that needs special processing.

Note that the pointer to the actual ring item type is passed so that polymorphism will work properly. More about this when we look at the implementation of decodeOtherItems.

Once the ring item created by the CRingItemFactory is fully processed, it must be deleted in order to avoid memory leaks. If you use the C++11 standard, you could also have created an std::unique_ptr from the return value of CRingItemFactory, then destruction of that object would have meant automatic destruction of the object it pointed to.

For more on std::unique_ptr check out the online documentation of that class.

The operator() method dispatched control to either decodePhysicsEvent or decodeOtherItems depending on the ring item type. The simplest of these methods is decodeOtheritems. Let's look at it first:

CRingItemDecoder::decodeOtherItems(CRingItem* pItem)

    std::cout << pItem->toString() << std::endl; 


This method just outputs the string representation of the ring item. This is the representation you see when you use dumper.

The toString method is why we needed to pass the output of CRingItemFactsory::createRingItem to this method rather than the pointer passsed to operator().

The toString method is a virtual method that is implemented differently for each ring item class type. When a virtual method is referenced in pointer or reference dereferenciung, the method for the class of the underlying object is called. This is commonly referred to as polymorphism.

If we had passed the pointer that was passed in to operator(), that would be pointing at an object of class CRingItem which knows nothing of how to format ring items. Its implementation of toString is a very simple byte by byte hex dump of the ring item body, which is not what we wanted to present.

The end result of all of this is that decodOtherItems just output what dumper would output to standard output.

CRingItemDecoder::decodePhysicsEvent(CPhysicsEventItem* pItem)
    if (! pItem->hasBodyHeader()) {                    (1)
        std::cerr << "Warning - an event has no body header - won't be processed

    std::uint64_t timestamp = pItem->getEventTimestamp();
    std::uint32_t srcid     = pItem->getSourceId();       (2)
    std::uint32_t btype     = pItem->getBarrierType();

    FragmentIndex iterator(reinterpret_cast<std::uint16_t*>(pItem->getBodyPointer()));
    size_t  nFrags = iterator.getNumberFragments();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < nFrags; i++) {
        FragmentInfo f = iterator.getFragment(i);
        CFragmentHandler* h = m_fragmentHandlers[f.s_sourceId];  (4)
        if (h) (*h)(f); 

    if (m_endHandler) (*m_endHandler)(pItem);              (5)

This code assumes that the ring items it is processing have body headers. Body headers were introduce in NSCLDAQ-11.0. They provide a standard structure in which information needed by the event builder can be stored. Body headers allow ringFragmentSource to operate without a timestamp extraction library. The inclusion of a body header in a ring items is optional.

If the ring item does not have a body header, CRingItem::hasBodyHeader is true if the body header is present, a warning message is emitted and we return at once.

Extracts the information from the body header. The sample code does not do anything with this information. Another option above would have been to continue execution if there was no body header, just conditionalize this code on the body header being present.

The ring item classes understand how to deal with ring items that have and don't have body headers.

FragmentIndex, when constructed with a pointer to the body of a ring item, parses the data, assuming that it is the output of the NSCLDAQ event builder. For each event fragment in the event, a FragmentInfo struct is created and stored in the object.

Note that CRingItem::getBodyPointer returns a pointer to the ring item's data. If the item has a body header, this pointer will point just past that body header. If there is no body header, this pointer will point just past the field that indicates this.

This loop iterates over the fragments that were parsed by the FragmentIndex object. Each fragment's source id is used as to lookup a pointer to the handler for that fragment's source id. m_fragmentHandlers

A bit of explanation is needed as we never test to see if a handler was registered. We only check that the resulting pointrer is not null, and, if so, dispatch to that handler's operator().

std::map::operator[], the map indexing operator has defined behavior if there is not yet a map entry with the index it is passed. In that case, an entry is created by invoking the default constructor for the type of object stored in the map.

C++ defines value initializationon for all scalar types (pointers are scalar types). These initializations create an object with all bits set to zero. See e.g. case 4 of this link

11.1.2. Sample handlers for fragment types.

In this section we'll look at a pair of sample fragment handlers. Specifically, we'll look at fragment handlers for the S800 and CAESAR data acquisition systems as they were for the NSCL run in April of 2018.

In order to register fragment and end handlers, we need to set up a class hierarchy of polymorphic classes. This requires the definition of an abstract base class that defines a pure virtual method that concrete fragment handlers will implement.

The CRingItemDecoder class stores pointers to handlers. Dereferencing these pointers will invoke the actual virtual method of the implemented class.

These base classe are defined in CFragmentHandler.h, for fragment handlers and CEndOfEventHandler.h for the end of event handlers. Their definitions are trivial and both are shown below.

class CFragmentHandler {

    virtual void operator()(FragmentInfo& frag) = 0;

class CEndOfEventHandler {

    virtual void operator()(CRingItem* pItem) = 0;

Fragment handler and end of event handler implementations must define and implement the function call operator (operator()), which is polymorphic over their class hierarcies.

Let's look at a trivial end of event handler's definition and implementation (definition in CMyEndOfEventHandler.h implementation in CMyEndOfEventHandler.cpp):

// CMyEndOfEventHandler.h:

class CMyEndOfEventHandler : public CEndOfEventHandler
    void operator()(CRingItem* pItem);            (1)

// CMyEndOfEventHandler.cpp:

CMyEndOfEventHandler::operator()(CRingItem* pItem)  (2)
    std::cout << "--------------------End of Event -----------------------\n";

Note that the class definition shows that:

  1. The class is derived from the CEndOfEventHandler base class.

  2. Declares the intent to provide an implementation for the operator() method.

These two conditions are required for CMyEventHandler to function properly.

The actual implementation is trivial, simply outputting a string that indicates the event is fully processed.

Before looking at the individual fragment handlers, let's step back and think about the structure of the data from the S800 and CAESAR. Both of these data acquisition systems, at the time, used tagged item formats. A tagged item is something very much like a ring item. A tagged item is an item with a size (self, inlcusive, units of uint16_t), a type, (16 bits), and a body that depends on the type.

Both systems produce an event that consists of a tagged item type with tagged items living inside of that outer item. While the item types and their contents differ between CAESAR and the S800, item identification and iteration over the subitems present does not.

As our fragment handlers will just make a formatted dump of the data (a very sketchy dump at that), we can imagine common methods for packet type to string lookup and iteration over the subpackets.

These are defined and implemented in PacketUtils.h (definition) and PacketUtils.cpp. The definition file contains:

namespace PacketUtils {
    std::uint16_t* nextPacket(std::uint16_t& nRemaining, std::uint16_t* here);
    std::string    packetName(
        std::uint16_t type, const std::map<std::uint16_t,
        std::string>& typeMap, const char* defaultName);


This header defines a namespace in which the utility functions will be isolated and two functions:

std::uint16_t* nextPacket( std::uint16_t&nRemaining , std::uint16_t*here );

Given a pointer to the start of a packet; here and the number of words remaining in the event; nRemaining

  • Updates nRemaining to the number of words remaining after the end of the packet pointed to by here.

  • Returns a pointer to the next packet in the event. If there is no next packet, a nullptr is returned.

    The function assumes that there is no data between packets.

std::string packetName( std::uint16_t type , const std::map<std::uint16_t std::string>& typeMap , const char*defaultName );

Given a packet type code (type) and a map of type codes to type names, returns the name of the packet type. If there is no entry in the map for type, the value defaultName is returned.

Armed with this, let's look at the CAESAR fragment handler first. CCAESARFragmentHandler.h has the class definition:

class CCAESARFragmentHandler : public CFragmentHandler
     * maps packet ids to packet name strings.
    std::map<std::uint16_t, std::string< m_packetNames; (1)

    void operator()(FragmentInfo& frag);
    void timestampPacket(std::uint16_t* pPacket);            (2)


This is about what we'd expect to see, a couple of points:

This map will contain the packet type/packet name correspondences passed in to PacketUtils::packetName.
For the most part our implementation will just trivially show which packets are present. For timestamp packets, however the timestamp will be extracted and output as well. We've therefore defined a separate method to handle timestamp packets.

It's certainly possible to cram all the code for all packets into the operator() method. That's especially true for this trivial example. As what we do with packets becomes more complicated (extracting parameters e.g.), eventually the operator() will be come unmanageable and hard to maintain. Pushing non-trivial packet handling off into separate methods captures the separation of concerns better than a monolithic operator().

One interesting rule of thumb that's often used is that if a function requires more than one or two screen lengths it's probably too big and should be split into smaller units.

On to the implementation. We're not going to show the constructor, all that does is fill m_packetNames. Here's the operator() implementation:

CCAESARFragmentHandler::operator()(FragmentInfo& frag)
    std::cout << "==== CEASAR Fragment: \n";
    std::cout << "   Timestamp: " << frag.s_timestamp << std::endl;
    std::cout << "   Sourceid:  " << std::hex << frag.s_sourceId << std::dec << "(hex)\n";

    std::uint16_t* p = frag.s_itembody;                (1)
    p += sizeof(std::uint32_t)/sizeof(std::uint16_t);   

    std::uint16_t remaining = *p++;                     
    std::uint16_t caesarType = *p++;                   (2)
    remaining -= 2;                                     

    if (caesarType != 0x2300) {
        std::cout << " *** Error - CAESAR packet id should be 0x2300 but was: "
            << std::hex << caesarType << std::dec << std::endl;
    p += 2;                                         (3)
    remaining -= 2;

    while (p) {
        std::uint16_t subPktSize = *p;
        std::uint16_t subPktType = p[1];
        std::string subPacketTypeName =
            PacketUtils::packetName(subPktType, m_packetNames, "Unknown");

        std::cout << "   Subpacket for " << subPacketTypeName << " " << subPktSize << " words long\n";

        if (subPktType == 0x2303) {
          timestampPacket(p);                    (5)

        p = PacketUtils::nextPacket(remaining, p);  (6)



The operator() method is passed a reference to a FragmentInfo struct. The s_itembody is a pointer to the fragment body. This is the body after any body header the body may have.

Other than outputting information in the FragmentInfo struct that FragmentIndex extracted for us, we're not really interested in the contents of the fragment or body header.

The body of CAESAR data consists of a uint32_t that contains the total length of the event. The remainder of the event is a top level packet with type 0x2300.

This section of code extracts the length of that packet and its type. If the packet type isn't what is expected, an error is emitted and we don't process the remainder of the fragments.

The remaining -= 2 makes the variable remaining a count of the number of words of data in the body of the packet.

The top level of thre packet consists of two words we don't care about followed by a sequence of subpackets. These two statements set up to iterate over the subpackets. The implicit assumption is that there is at least one subpacket.

The following while loop iterates over the subpackets.

The two lines above extract the size of the packet and the packet type. The PacketUtils::packetName function is then used to get the packet name. This basic information, packet size and packet type name are then output.
If the packet was a timestamp packet, it is processed by invoking timestampPacket
The PacketUtils::nextPacket returns a pointer to the next packet or a null pointer if we're done.

11.1.3. A simple program that uses the framework.

This section shows how the framework can be used in a simple program. The program simply takes a stream of ring items from a data source (online or file) and invokes a CRingItemDecoder for each item as it arrives. The full source code is in Main.cpp.

This file includes a function usage which outputs simple help describing how to invoke the program. We're not going to show that function here. The program takes a single parameter which is the URI of a source of ring items. The URI can be a tcp URI to accept data from the online system or a file URI to accept data from file.

Here's the main function in Main.cpp

main(int argc, char**argv)
    if (argc != 2) {                      (1)
    std::string uri(argv[1]);
    std::vector<uint16_t> sample = {PHYSICS_EVENT};   // means nothing from file.
    std::vector<uint16_t> exclude;                    // get all ring item types:

    CDataSource* pSource;
    try {
        pSource = CDataSourceFactory::makeSource(uri, sample, exclude); (2)
    catch (...) {
        std::cerr << "Failed to open the data source.  Check that your URI is valid and exists\n";

    CDataSource& source(*pSource);

    CRingItemDecoder       decoder;
    CS800FragmentHandler   s800handler;
    CCAESARFragmentHandler caesarhandler;        (3)
    CMyEndOfEventHandler   endhandler;

    decoder.registerFragmentHandler(2, &s800handler);
    decoder.registerFragmentHandler(0x2300, &caesarhandler); (4)

    try {
        CRingItem* pItem;
        while (pItem = source.getItem()) {
            decoder(pItem);                         (5)
            delete pItem;
        if (errno != ESUCCESS) throw errno;         (6)

    catch (int errcode) {                          (7)

        std::cerr << "Ring item read failed: " << std::strerror(errcode) << std::endl;
    catch (std::string msg) {
        std::cout << msg << std::endl;
    }                                             (8)
    std::cerr << "BUG - control fell to the bottom of the main\n";


The program must have exactly one command line parameter. If this is not the case, the program usage information is output (via usage), and the program exits reporting an error.
This method uses the CDataSourceFactory to create a data source. A data source is an object that can retrieve a sequence of ring items from some source.

The factory uses the protocol of the URI to create the right specific factory type; a CFileDataSource if the URI uses the file protocol or a CRingDataSource for tcp data sources.

Note that the factory throws exceptions to report errors. In this sample we've just reported a generic error. You can get better error messages by catching std::string exceptions and outputting the string. Similarly, if there are errors in the format of the URI, they will be reported as CURIFormatException exceptions.

To analyze data gotten from the data source we'll want to have a CRingItemDecoder object and appropriate fragment and end handlers. This section of code creates those objects.
The fragment handlers and end handlers must be made known to the decoder. These sections of code perform the necessary registrations. Note that the CAESAR source id is 0x2300 while the s800 source id is 2.
This loop gets successive ring items from the data source, processes them and deletes them.
When the last ringitem has been received (e.g. because an end of file was encountered on a file data source), the data source returns a null pointer. If it does so, without an error code in errno, the program exits normally. If not the actuall error code is thrown.
These exception handlers handle the two main exception types. int errors are errno values which get via strerror. std::string exceptions, on the other hand are error message strings.
Control should not fall through out of the loop. Either the program should have exited normally due to end of data, or it should have thrown an exception and exited due to that. This last bit of defensive programming catches any other case.

11.1.4. Suggestions for embedding the framework in SpecTcl or Root

It's reasonable to want to use this framework as a starting point for SpecTcl event processors that decode data from the event builder. Note that it's also reasonable to want to use this framework to unpack data read into Root. This section is going to outline mechanisms to do both with minimal code changes when switching from between SpecTcl and Root.

The key to doing this is, again separation of concerns. Analysis of data in either framework requires:

  • Iterating over the event fragments in a ring item invoking processors for each fragment; RingItemDecoder does this.

  • In each fragment processor, decoding the raw event structure of the fragment into a set of parameters.

  • Making those decoded parameter available to the analysis framework (SpecTcl or Root).

Where almost all attempts to do this fall over is by combining the last two concerns into a single class (e.g. having event processors that directly fill in CTreeParameter objects while decoding raw data).

An approach that better separates concerns is to unpack the raw event fragments into some struct or other object that is independent of Root or SpecTcl in one class and then having classes for SpecTcl and Root that unpack that object in to tree parameters or trees.

SpecTcl's event processors offer a simple mechanism to do this. My recommendation is that at least three event processors be used to unpack raw data to tree parameters:

  • The first event processor would be based on the framework described in this example. It would create structs or objects containing the raw parameters in the event.

  • The second event processor would embed an object that would compute parameters that require more than one event fragment (for example timestamp differences). These too would go into a struct or object.

  • The remaining event processor(s) would marshall data from these intermediate structs/objects into tree parameters so that SpecTcl can use them.

This approach can be transplanted into Root, by using the framework to process ring items. After each ring item is processed, the object embedded into the second event processor would be run. That would be followed by code to marshall data from the structs into Root trees.

In the remainder of this section we'll look at an event processor that embeds the CRingItemDecoder processing framework. This code will be fragmentary and incomplete. It is intended to give you a direction from which you can embed this framework.

Here's some sample code that shows how to get from an event processor into the ring item decoder. We're going to assume that the constructor, or OnAttach has created an instance of the decoder in m_pEventDecoder and that the fragment handlers have already been registered.

All we need to do is to get a pointer to the ring item and pass that to the decoder as a CRingItem. To do this we use the facts that:

  • The CBufferDecoder for ring item data sources is a CRRingBufferDecoder.

  • The CRingItemFactory can construct a CRingItem from a pointer to a raw ring item

CFrameworkEventProcessor::operator()(const Address_t pEvent,
			    CEvent& rEvent,
			    CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer,
			    CBufferDecoder& rDecoder
    CRingBufferDecoder& actualDecoder(dynamic_cast<CRingBufferDecoder&>(rDecoder);
    void* pRawRingItem = actualDecodrer.getItemPointer();
    CRingItem pRingItem = CRingItemDecoder::createRingItem(pRawRingItem);
    delete pRingItem;
    return kfTRUE;

After casting the decoder to a ring item decoder, the decoder is used to get a pointer to the raw ring item. By raw ring item we mean an item like one described in DataFormat.h. Once we have that, the ring item factory can create a ring item object which can be passed to the decoder and then deleted.