22.4. Making logbooks available to collaborators

This chapter will describe how to export a logbook for use outside of the NSCL. While the logbook is a simple file and can easily be copied anywhere, you also need the logbook software in order to use it.

This section will describe how to use the NSCL linux containers to install NSCLDAQ so that you can use the logbook facility with minimal hassle. You will need a linux computer at your home institution that can run the singularityc container system.

The remainder of this chapter will:

22.4.1. Obtaining a suitable NSCL-linux container

First a bit about what a container image is and what singularity is.

Container technology provides a light-weight scheme for executing user land software for one distribution of linux on the run-time environment of another distribution. For example, At the NSCL, we use and have established reasonable methods for installing our software on Debian systems. Your institution may run a Red Hat Enterprise Linux base distribution such as CentOS. The names and availablility of packages needed to support NSCLDAQ may differ.

Rather than trying to figure out how to install NSCLDAQ on all Linux distributions, wouldn't it be nice if you could run a simple program and your filesystem containing the Linux userland programs and libraries would be Debian? This is what singularity container images provide.

A singularity container image can be thought of as a part of a filesystem that gets overlaid on top of the running Linux system filesystem while you are running that container. This allows us to provide you with a Debian environment that you can run on your e.g. CentOS environment. Because singularity containers only play games with what the filesystem look like, the overhead for running a container is essentially nonexistent once a program starts.

What you will need, however is the singularity container run-time environment. For Debian like systems (e.g. Ubuntu, Kubuntu etc.), this is provided by the singularity-container package. For RHEL based systems yum can be used to install the singularity package. For general installation instructions that can be used to guide you through other linux distributions, see the singularity Admin guide for the appropriate version of singularity at https://sylabs.io/docs/.

In order to keep our singularity image small, and to avoid re-making it for each NSCLDAQ or SpecTcl update (you can use Singularity to also install SpecTcl), our images only contain the linux packages needed to support our software and we use filesystem binding to keep our container images separate from the actual software installation trees. This is why you need to get both an image and a corresponding binary installation tree.

Our images are installed at the NSCL in /usr/opt with names like nscl-code-word.img where code-word is the linux distribution code-word. For example, as I'm writing this, we have two images: /usr/opt/nscl-jessie.img which provides a Debian-8 (jessie) environment and /usr/opt/nscl-buster.img which provides a Debian-10 (buster) environment.

At NSCL/FRIB your experiment will, in general run in a container. For simplicity, choose the container you used for your experiment, and copy it to your institution. While 'large', the images are not enormous clocking in at about 2GB for the buster image.

22.4.2. Getting the NSCLDAQ binary distribution

The simplest way to get this is to run the container you used for your experiment in the same way you ran it during the experiment. When you do, the evironment variable DAQROOT will point to the installation tree you'll need to grab.

The following creates a tarball of that directory tree in your home directory:

tar czf ~/nscldaq-install.tar.gz .

Pull the resulting tarball, ~/nscldaq-install.tar.gz over to your home institution. The resulting tarball should be smaller than 200Mbytes. Also make note of the value of the DAQROOT environment variable. You'll need it later.

22.4.3. Installing your container and NSCLDAQ tree.

So you've got a container and a tarball of an NSCLDAQ installation tree. You need to put the container image somewhere and unroll the nscldaq-install.tar.gz tarball somewhere where it's easy to coerce singularity to map that directory tree back to its original position in the directory tree.

To do this, I'm going to assume you have some directory somewhere for simplicity, we'll call it /nscldaqinstall modify these instructions to match where you actually put this stuff. Note that centralizing this installation will allow anybody with read access to the container and the NSCLDAQ directory tree to use its software.

first put your container (for simplicity I'm going to assume you grabbed nscl-buster.img) in /nscldaqinstall/nscl-buster.img.

Next unwrap the tarball as follows (I'm going to assume DAQROOT claimed) it was /usr/opt/nscldaq/12.0-000), and that the tarball is now sitting in your home directory.

mkdir /nscldaqinstall/opt-buster       # in case later you get a second container.
mkdir -p /nscldaqinstall/opt-buster/nscldaq/12.0-000  # We'll put tuff here.
(cd /nscldaqinstall/opt-buster; ln nscldaq daq);   # NSCL has this convenience link.
(cd /nscldaqinstall/opt-buster/nscldaq/12.0-000; tar xzf ~/nscldaq-install.tar.gz)


Ok, let's review what we've done and why. First we installed our container where we can get it. Second we produced a directory tree that can be mapped on to /usr/opt in the container that mimics what NSCL does and put the contents of our tarball in the correct part of that directory tree. If we wanted to haul SpecTcl 5.3-010 over, for example, we'd just need to add /nscldaq/opt-buster/spectcl/5.3-010 grab a tarball as we did for NSCLDQAQ and unwrap it there. Similarly if we need additional versions of NSCLDAQ or spectcl we can grab additional tarballs and drop them in appropriate parts of the /nscldaqinstall/opt-buster directory tree. We could even grab the installation of root in /usr/opt from NSCL and drop that in (we'd need that for SpecTcl and we might just want it in the container after all).

22.4.4. Running the singularity container

Now we're ready to get going. We're going to use the singularity command to overlay the filesystem in the container image we grabbed onto our linux userland filesystem and overlay, or in singularity terms bind /nscldaqinstall/opt-buster into /usr/opt in the container.

Here's the singularity command to so so (assuming you grabbed nscl-buster.img):

singularity shell --bind /nscldaqinstall/opt-buster:/usr/opt \

If you do this you should wind up with a shell and prompt that looks like: Singularity nscl-buster.img:~> indicating you're executing inside the singularity container. Some things to note:

When you start a container, you can specify additional bindings from your host filesystem into your container. bindports have the form source[:dest] where source is where the directory tree being bound is located in the host filesystem and the optional dest is where that directory tree should appear in the container filesystem. If the destination is not supplied, the source is bound to the same location it appears in the host.

Suppose, for example, you have a directory tree; /projects you want to appear as /projects you can start the container as:

singularity shell --bind /nscldaqinstall/opt-buster:/usr/opt,/projects \

To make this happen.