Chapter 22. NSCLDAQ Logbook facility

This chapter will describe a new (as of NSCLDAQ-12.0) NSCLDAQ logbook facility. The logbook facility:

The remainder of this chapter will provide tutorial material that describes the logbook facility. Reference material can bge found in the 1daq, 3daq, and 5daq sections of the manpages.

The tutorial material is organized as follows:

22.1. Components of the NSCL logbook system

In this section we're going to describe what the logbook facility is it components and how they all fit together.

First, what is a logbook and what does it hold? Put simply, a logbook is an sqlite3 database file. Sqlite3 is a file based SQL compliant database which provides ACID access without the need for administrative actions to create and serve out the database. Sqlite3 is described in the web pages in

At the physical level, a logbook is, therefore, just a single file that contains an Sqlite3 database. The database schema (tables and relations between those tables), provide the database with the ability to store:


People, are collaborators that work on the experiment. People may run shifts, participate in the analysis or have other roles in the experiment. The reason people are named and stored in the database is to allow operations and artefacts stored in the logbook to be attributed to them either as individuals or groups of individuals.


A shift is a named container for people. Shifts are intended to capture how experiments are run during data taking. Run state changes in the experiment, which can be automatically logged, are attributed to the shift that's on-duty at the time the transition occurs.

Shifts should be setup at the beginning of an experiment, but once an experiment starts taking data they should be thought of as read-only. If necessary, you can create additional shifts.


A run is a segment of data taking. Runs have numbers and titles and state transitions (e.g.they begin and they end). The logbook facility has the ability to automatically create runs and log their state transitions.

Run state transitions are logged as having occured during a shift and the shift is stored along with the transition.


Notes are rich text artifacts that you can enter into the system. In a paper logbook what we call notes are by fare the most common entry. Notes can be associated with a run or be independent of a run. Notes have a single author.

Notes are rich text in the sense that they can include figures/graphics that will be stored in the database and associated with their note. When a note is rendered for view, graphics are rendered inline where they were included. The contents of the actual files containing the graphics are loaded into the database making the database file all inclusive.

Notes are written using Markdown for formatting. See for more information about markdown.

Key Value pairs

Key value pairs are just a key that points to a textual value. One use of them is to document the experiment the database is a logbook of.

So now we know what a logbook is and what it can contain, let's look at the components of the system. Logbook system is built in a layered fashion. The rough layering is shown in the line drawing below.

Figure 22-1. Logbook component layering.

            | ReadoutGUI bundle   cmd utilities  |
            |  Python bindings  | Tcl bindings   |
            | C++ Logbook API                    |
            | C++ Encapsulation of Sqlite3 API   |
            |  Sqlite3 API                       |

Note that NSCLDAQ expects an installation of libsqlite3 and its development files to be present. All other software in the figure above are built and distributed into NSCLDAQ.

In most cases you will only need to interact with the top level of this layer diagram. If you wish to extend access to the database or provide other mechanisms for data entry, you can do that at any of the layers shown down to and inluding the raw Sqlite API. We recommend, however you program the data base at the highest level of the diagram that provides you with capabilities you need.

In addition to the software shown above, and the database file, a hidden directory ~/.nscl-logbook is used by the system to pull image files from the database as needed and to generate HTML files used for online browsing of the logbook. The contents of this directory can be cleaned up without affecting proper operation of the logbook. Finally the high level software has the concept of a currently selected logbook. The path to this logbook file is stored in ~/.nscl-logbook-current. If you remove this file, You'll need to select the logbook you're operating on using e.g. the $DAQBIN/lg_current command utility.

The ReadoutGUI bundle is a callback bundle for the ReadoutGUI. When it is incorporated into the user's ReadoutCallouts.tcl file, run transitions will be automatically logged into the currently selected database.

Several command utilities are provided. Reference material for these are provided in the 1daq man pages. Here we just gloss over their names what they are and what they do. All command utilities get installed in $DAQBIN and have names starting with lg_.


Used to create a new logbook. When logbooks are created, the filename of the new logbook must be supplied and information about the experiment. The new logbook can optionally be made current. See lg_create for more information.


Selects the current logbook database file. This is the logbook that will be operated on by the remaining lg_* commands and admin level Tcl bindings. See lg_current for more information.


Outputs the name of the logbook that is current. See lg_ls for more information.


Makes a new person known to the logbook. People are stored as salutation, last name and first name. People are used as authors and are members of shifts. See lg_addperson for more information


Lists the people that have been defined to the database. See lg_lspeople for more information


Creates new shifts. A shift is a collection of people that are working on a running experiment at the same time. You can create as many shifts as you want and compose them any way you want. The people that are in shifts must have previously been added to the log book via lg_addperson See lg_mkshift for more information


Provides the capability of managing your shifts. This command provides three functions:

  • The ability to create new shifts and assign people to them.

  • The ability to edit existing shifts, adding and removing people from them.

  • The ability to list the shifts and their members.

Note that shifts should be set up prior to starting to run the experiment. Once a named shift has been on duty and started/stopped runs, it must not be modified. This is because run transition records in the logbook don't carry along with them references to the people on shift, but references to the on-duty shift.

Thus if a shift is edited mid-experiment, the documentation of the on-duty shift associated with a run state transition will be correct but the members of that shift will reflect the most recent editing of the shift. This can attribute a transition to the wrong set of people, and that's not desirable.

See lg_mgshift for more information


Selects the on-duty shift. In order for the logbook callback bundle to allow run state transitions an on-duty shift must be selected. The transition is then attributed to the members of the on-duty shift.

See lg_selshift for more information


The key-value store (kvstore) is just a set of key/value pairs. This command allows you, at the level of a command shell, to determine test for the existence of a key, get the value of a key, set the value of an existing or new key, or create a new key value pair.

See lg_kvstore for more information


Provides a composer for notes. Notes have an author and optionally are associated with a run. Notes are rich text items via markdown format. Images can be incorporated into notes using an image selector or by manually inputting markdown image links. Image files for a note are sucked into the database and retrieved as needed when a note is rendered.

See lg_wrnote for more information


Provides a visual logbook browser.

See lg_browse for more information


Allows all or part of a logbook to be rendered in PDF, presumably for later printing.

See lg_print for more information