FRIBParallelanalysis  1.0

Writing the Parameter to Parameter application.

This section describes the requirements for writing a concrete application class for a parameter to parameter pipeline stage. A simple example is also given.

The application object is used to set up the proceses that make up the ranks of the MPI application. It must be derived from the frib::analysis::AbstractApplication abstract base class.

This subclass must:

The Concrete Subclass of frib::analysis::AbstractApplication

In this example we will use the sample worker we showed in Sample Worker. We'll assume the header for this worker is in MyWorker.h

#include <AbstractApplication.h>
#include <MPIParameterDealer.h>
#include <MPITriggerSorter.h> // 1
#include <MPIParameterFarmer.h>
#include <TCLParamteerReader.h>
#include "MyWorker.h" // 2
using namespace frib::analysis;
class MyApp : public AbstractApplication {
MyApp(int argc, char** argv);
virtual ~MyApp();
virtual void dealer(int argc, char** argv, AbstractApplication* pApp);
virtual void worker(int argc, char** argv, AbstractApplication* pApp); // 3
virtual void farmer(int argc, char** argv, AbstractApplication* pApp) ;
virtual void outputter(int argc, char** argv, AbstractApplication* pApp);
// Implement the dealer:
MyApp::dealer(int argc, char** argv, AbstractApplication* pApp) { // 4
CMPIParameterDealer dealer(argc, argv, pApp);
// Implement my worker:
MyApp::worker(int argc, char** argv, AbstractApplication* pApp) { // 5
MyWorker worker(argc, argv, pApp);
// Implement my farmer:
MyApp::farmer(int argc, char** argv, AbstractApplication* pApp) { // 6
CMPIParameterFarmer farmer(argc, argvc, *pApp);
// Implement the outputter:
MyApp::outputter(int argc, char** argv, AbstractApplication* pApp) { // 7
CMPIParameterOutput outputter;
outputter(argc, argv, pApp);
// Now the main program-- we'll use the Tcl definition file reader.
// We'll assume that argv[3] is the name of the parameter file.
// A real application should check argc
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // 8
CTCLParameterReader defreader(argv[3]); // 9
MyApp app(argc, argv); // 10
app(defreader); // 11

Let's go through this example. Numbres in the list below refer to the commented numbers in the example:

  1. Includes the definitions for the classes we're going to need when implementing our application and program.
  2. Includes the definiton of our worker class.
  3. This section defines the class MyWorker which implements a concrete class derived from frib::analysis::AbstractApplication We must implement four methods, one for each process role in our MPI application. The base class, upon starting MPI will invoke the appropriate method depending on the rank of the process running.
  4. The dealer reads input data and sends them to the workers, how operate on them in parallel. Note that the dealer, by default, reads its input data from the file that is argv[1] (this is the argv[] after MPI has stripped the mpirun specific parameters from it). You can derive a subclass from frib::analysis::CMPIParameterDealer and override its getInputFile method to modify this behavior.
  5. Our worker just instantiates MyWorker and run it by calling the operator() method.
  6. The farmer just insantiates an frib::analysis::CMPIParameterFarmer object and runs it by calling its operator method.
  7. The outputter implementation creates an runs a frib::analysis::CMPIParameterOutput which outputs a parameter data file. By default, data are written to the filenamed by argv[2]. To modify this behavior you can derive a subclass which overrides the getOutputFile method to provide a filenane from a different source.
  8. All programs require a main as their entry point. Here we deinfe and implement that function.
  9. We use a Tcl defintion file reader which will get its definition file from argv[3]. In a production program:
    • The command parameters have not yet been stripped of their mpirun specific parameters. That happens in MPI_Init which is run by the application's function call operator, so you probably should, instead use argv[arc-1] e.g.
    • Code should verify the appropriate minimum parameter count.
    • Could might want to verify the file provided by the user is a readable file.
  10. Creates an instancde of our app.
  11. Runs the application providing it with the definition file reader.