Chapter 1. Introduction>

SpecTcl's library provides several tools that allow you to manage data from the NSCL XIA/DDAS data aquisition system. This book will help you understand how to use those tools. Note that there is additional documentation available amongst the DDASDocuments.

Topics we will cover in this manual include:

The DDASHit class.

Which will describe the DAQ::DDAS::DDASHit class. This class encapsulates the data from a single channel of a DDAS event (or hit).

DDAS Data unpackers.

Will describe the two unpackers provided by SpecTcl for DDAS data and when to use each one of them. Attention will be given to what you need to add to this code to map DDAS hits to parameters in a SpecTcl event.


Describes two file driven parameter mapping classes you can use with the unpackers in the previous chapter to avoid having to recompile SpecTcl has you modify your mappings.

Reference pages.

Will provide reference information for the classes described in the first set of chapters of this guide.