Chapter 3. The python spectcl package

The spectcl package is automatically imported into the python interpreter when the python package is required. It provides access to SpecTcl objects in a manner natural to python programmers.

The python package provides package level methods as well as python types that wrap SpecTcl objects naturally to Python programmers.

We'll divide the remainder of this chapter into several sections that first describe the module level methods provided and then each individual type that's implemented by the spectcl package.

3.1. spectcl package level methods.

Table of Contents
tcl -- Run a Tcl script from Python.
listparams -- Creates a listing of defined parameters.
listspectra -- Create a list of defined spectrum names.
listvars -- Get a list of tree variables.
listgates -- Create a list of gate names.
attach -- Attach SpecTcl to a data source.
start -- Start analyzing data.
stop -- Stop data analysis