

spectrum -- Wrap SpecTcl Spectrum objects.


                        class spectcl.spectrum:
                        #  Member Attributes:
                          readonly string name;
                          readonly string type;
                          readonly tuple of strings parameters;
                          readonly tuple of dicts axes;
                          readonly string gatename;
                          readonly dict of tuples range_errors;
                        # Methods
                            def clear() :
                            def ungate() :
                            def gate(string gatename) :
                            def bind() :
                            def unbind() :
                            def Get(container of integers coordinates) :
                            def Set(container of integers coordinates, unsigned integer value) :
                            def project(string new-name, string direction, snapshot=bool True|False, contour=stringname) :


This type wraps SpectTcl spectra. Two types of construtors are allowed. The first constructor takes a single parameter, the name of an existing spectrum. If that spectrum exists, the object is created to wrap that spectrum. If the spectrum does not exist, a LookupError exception will be raised.

The second type of construtcor accepts four positional parameters. The first parameter is the name of an ew spectrum. The second is the type string. See the SpecTcl Tcl spectrum comand reference for the legal spectrum types. The third parameter is any iterable container that contains strings. The strings are the names of the parameter that are required by the spectrum. Their number and interpretation will vary depending on the spectrum type. The last parameter is an iterable container of dict that define the axes of the spectrum. Each dict defines an axis and has the following keys:


The axis low limit. This is an inclusive limit.


The axis high limit. This is an exclusive limit.


The number of spectrum bins on that axis.

Note that in genaral there will be one or two axis definitions, depending on the spectrum type.


Spectrum objects have several attributes. These attributes are reaonly. They provide information about the spectrum definition:


Is a string that contains the spectrum name.


Is a string that contains the spectrum type.


Is a tuple of strings that are the ordered set of parameters the spectrum is defined on. The number and interpretation of these parameters depends on the spectrum type.


Is a tuple of axes. Each axis is a dict described in the DESCRIPTION section.


The name of the gate that's applied to the spectrum. If a spectrum is ungated, this will be the string -TRUE- indicating that ther are no conditions on the increment of a spectrum.


The overflow and underflow counters. This is a dict with two keys underflows and overflows. Each value is a tuple of counter values. For one-dimensional spectrum types, the tuple has a single element.

For two dimensional spetctrum types, there two elements that contain the X and Y range error counters in that order.


def clear() :

Clears the contents of the spectrum. All spectrum channels are set to zero.

def ungate() :

Removes any gate from the spectrum. After this method there are no conditions on the increment of the spectrum other than it can be incremented as a result of the event.

def gate(string gatename) :

Applies the gate gatename to the spectrum. If gatename does not exist, RuntimeError is raised.

def bind() :

Binds the spectrum into the displayer. SpecTcl provides shared memory access to a set of bound spectra to local display clients. This method adds the spectrum to the set of bound spectra.

def unbind() :

Unbinds the spectrum from displayers. See bind above. This method removes the spectrum from the set of spectra that are bound.

def Get(container of integers coordinates) :

Returns the value in a channel of the spectrum. The coordinates parameter is any object that supports the iteration protocol. It must have as many elements as the dimension of the spectrum. The first element is the x channel number or just channel number for 1-d spectra. The second element is the y channel number for spectra with two dimensions

Note that these coordinates are channel coordinates (bins) not axis coordinates. If you have axis coordinates, it's your responsibility to map them to a bin.

def Set(container of integers coordinates, unsigned integer value) :

Sets the channel specified by coordinates to value. The coordinates parameter has the same form as for Get

def project(string new-name, string direction, snapshot=bool True|False, contour=stringname) :

Creates a new spectrum that is a projection of the spectrum. new-name is the name of the new spectrum. direction must be either x or y and specifies the projection direction.

Subsequent parmeters are optional and must be specified by keyword/value pairs:


Takes a boolean value. If True, thes pectrum is a snapshot and will never be incremented. If False, a best effort will be made to connect the spectrum with its underlying parameters so that it can be incremented as new events become available.


Takes a string value that is the name of a contour gate. The gate must be visible on the spectrum.

If supplied the initial projection will only contain points inside the contour. If the spectrum is not a snapshot, the gate is applied to this spectrum as well to ensure that the projection is remains a faithflu projection of the data inside the contour.

The return value is the actual name of the spectrum (which might be different than the requestsed name to prevent duplication).