3.2. The SpecTclDB::SaveSet class.

Save sets are where data are stored. Save sets are used to organize data into named containers. Each container has a name, a creation timestamp and a unique integer identifier. The identifier is used to link other objects back to the save set that owns them in the save_sets table of the database. See the description of the database schema in the reference appendix for more information.

In this section we'll show a few examples of the the SpecTclDB::SaveSet class in action. We're only going to look at the object methods of the SpecTclDB::Saveset class. There are some static methods, but they are intended for use by the SpecTclDB::CDatabase class not us.

We're going to look at the Savesets through the lens of the following examples (installed in the share/dbexamples directory of the SpecTcl installation). These examples will:

Example 3-4. Defining parameters (pardef.cpp)

#include <SpecTclDatabase.h>
#include <SaveSet.h>
#include <DBParameter.h>      (1)

#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  if(argc != 2) {
    std::cerr << "Usage:  pardef db-filename\n";

  SpecTclDB::SaveSet* pSave(nullptr);  (2)
  try {
    SpecTclDB::CDatabase db(argv[1]);
    pSave = db.getSaveSet("a saveset"); (3)
    delete pSave->createParameter("p1", 100); (4)
    delete pSave->createParameter("p2", 101, -10.0, 1.0, 100, "cm");

    auto params = pSave->listParameters(); (5)
    std::cout << "The following parameters are defined:\n";
    for (int i =0; i < params.size(); i++) {
      std::cout << params[i]->getInfo().s_name << std::endl;
      delete params[i];
    SpecTclDB::DBParameter* p = pSave->findParameter("p2"); (6)
    std::cerr << " I found parameter: " << p->getInfo().s_name << std::endl;
    delete p;

  catch (std::exception& e) {
    std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
    delete pSave;

  delete pSave;

Parameters are encapsulated in SpecTclDB::DBParameter objects. This #include bring the definition of that class into the program.
This will be a pointer to the save set we're manipulating. It's declared here so that it will be in scope in the catch block below. That allows us to ensure that the saveset gets freed if there's an exception.
The getSaveSet looks up a save set and caches its database defintion into internal data in a SpecTclDB::SaveSet. A pointer to this dynamically allocated object is then returned on success. On failure an exception is thrown.
This line and the next create two parameters. SpecTcl has two raw parameters and CTreeParameter parameters. The latter wrap raw parameters and provide metadata that give hints about how to best histogram the variable and units of measure.

The first line stores a parameter definition for a raw parameter. These have a name and a slot number defining how SpecTcl event processors should supply data for this parameter.

The second line stores a parameter with full metadata. In addition to the name and number, metadata includes a suggested low limite, a suggested high limit, a suggested binning over that range, and units of measure. The second line stores a parameter that runs in the range of -10.0 to 10.0 with a suggested binning of 100 bins. The units of measure are cm.

Noe that createParameter returns a pointer to the created parameter object. This object is immediately deleted.

Produces a container with pointers to all parameters. The pointers are to dynamically allocated objects which must be deleted when no longer needed.

Subsequent code iterates over the objects in the container, outputting the names of each parameter and deleting the objects.

Retrieves a parameter definition by name. This provides us a container of pointers to DBParameter objects. We'll say more about DBParameter later on. For now you only need to know that this class encapsulates cached information retrieved from the database for a single parameter.

A readonly reference to this information can be gotten via the getInfo method. The pointers in the container represent pointers to dynamically created objects. Therefore, once your code is done using one, it should be deleted to avoid memory leaks.

Let's look at a toy program to create spectra in a save set and list information about the spectra a save set has. For this program:

  1. Refer to the SpecTcl command reference or user's guide for a list of the spectrum types and what they do.

  2. If you are going to test it, be sure you run it on a database that has had the parameter test program run on it. We will be using the saveset and parameter definitions that we created with that program.

Note that in general, spectra need a name, a spectrum type, a vector of parameters and one or two axis definitions. By default, spectra are defined with longword per channel storage, but this can be modified.

Example 3-5. Defining Spectra (specdef.cpp)

#include <SpecTclDatabase.h>
#include <SaveSet.h>
#include <DBParameter.h>
#include <DBSpectrum.h>     (1)

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc != 2) {
        std::cerr << "Usage:  specdef database-name\n";

    SpecTclDB::CDatabase db(argv[1]);
    SpecTclDB::SaveSet* pSvSet(nullptr);
    try {
        pSvSet = db.getSaveSet("a saveset");

        std::vector<const char*> s1Params = {"p1"};      (2)
        std::vector<const char*> s2Params = {"p1", "p2"}; 
        SpecTclDB::SaveSet::SpectrumAxis x = {0, 1023, 1024};  (3)
        SpecTclDB::SaveSet::SpectrumAxis y = {-10.0, 1.0, 100};

            s1axes = {x};
            s2axes = {x, y};

        delete pSvSet->createSpectrum("s1", "1", s1Params, s1axes); (4)
        delete pSvSet->createSpectrum("s2", "2", s2Params, s2axes);

        auto spectra = pSvSet->listSpectra();                 (5)
        std::cout << "Names of spectra in saveset:\n";
        for (int i =0; i < spectra.size(); i++) {
            auto& info = spectra[i]->getInfo();
            std::cout << info.s_base.s_name << std::endl; (6)
            delete spectra[i];
    catch (std::exception& e) {
        std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
        delete pSvSet;

    delete pSvSet;


We're not going to describe the elements of this example that are repeats of code fragments in prior examples.

We will be calling methods of the DBSpectrum class, which encapsulates data from a spectrum definition in the database. We'll also be deleting dynamically allocated DBSpectrum objects. Both of these require knowledge of the shape of the object given in the class definition. The DBSpectrum.h header is included to provide that information to our program.
Spectrum are incremented on data from parameters in events. We defined two parameters in the pardef.cpp example; p1 and p2. We're going to be making a 1d and 2d spectrum. These need one and two parameters respectively. The spectrum generating method requires a std::vector<const char*> where each element is a pointer to a parameter name that's already been defined.

This line and the next line define the vectors appropriate to the two spectra we'll be creating.

Spectra require one or two axes as well. Axes are defined by low, and high limits and binning. This line and the next define a pair of axes. Note that the first one is arbitrary, but the second one, uses the low/high binning suggestions in the p2 parameter definition. A real program will query that parameter for its axis recommendations. That's beyond the scope of this example however.

The two lines that follow the axis definitions make a one element and two element vector of axis specifications respectively. Vectors of axis specifications are what the spectrum generating method expects.

These two lines actually create the spectra. As with parameters, a dynamically allocated pointe to the spectrum object is returned, which we immediately delete. The parameters to createSpectrum are respectively, the name of the spectrum, the spectrum type (1 is the type of 1d spectra and 2 is the type for 2d spectra). The parameters needed by the spectrum and the spectrum axes.

An optional additional parameter provides a string specification of the data type used for spectrum channels. This defaults to long if not supplied but can also be word or byte.

Asks the saveset for a list of the spectra that have been defined. The return value is an indexable container that holds pointers to dynamically allocated DBSpectrum objects.
The spectrum information struct is complex enough that it is divided into several pieces. The piece selected by s_base contains the base information about the spectrum, including the type and spectrum name.

The loop outputs the name sof all spectra defined in the saveset to standard output.

The gate definition API in SavSet is the most complex of the APIs. This is because SpecTcl supports a rich set of gate types. There are are essentially three major classes of gate:

  1. Gates that specify a region of interest in a subset of the event's parameter space.

  2. Gates that specify a logical operation on other gates.

  3. Gates that specify a bitwise operation and comparison on a mask applied to a single parameter.

The point gates are, for convenience, further subdivided into 1-d gates, which specify lower and upper bounds that define a slice of valuees, and 2-d gates, which define a 2-d region of parameter space in pairs of parameters. Regardless of the gate type, all gates are encapsulated in a DBGate class which holds the database information describing the gate.

The information cached for a gate is similarly more complex. We'll look at that in detail in the reference man pages on the DBGate class.

Let's look at a simple program that generates one of each type of these gates. In past examples, we've made a token attempt at error handling by wrapping the body of the code in a try/catch block. From now on we will not do any error handling, for the sake of brevity.

This program assums a database that has had the makesaveset and pardef example programs run on it.

Example 3-6. Defining gates (gatedef.cpp)

#include <SpecTclDatabase.h>
#include <SaveSet.h>
#include <DBGate.h>         (1)

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main (int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc != 2) {
        std::cerr << 'Usage:: gatedef database-name\n";

    SpecTclDB::CDatabase db(argv[1]);
    SpecTclDB::SaveSet*  svset = db.getSaveSet("a saveset");

    std::vector<const char*> p1ds = {"p1"};  (2)

    delete svset->create1dGate("1d", "s", p1ds, 100, 200);

    std::vector<const char*> p2ds = {"p1", "p2"};  (3)
    std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> pts2d {
      {100, 0}, {200, 0}, {200, 200}, {100, 200}
    delete svset->create2dGate("2d", "c", p2ds, pts2d);

    std::vector<const char*> gatenames={"1d", "2d"};   (4)
    delete svset->createCompoundGate("compound", "+", gatenames);

    delete svset->createMaskGate("mask", "em", "p1", 0x55555555); (5)

    auto gates = svset->listGates();   (6)
    std::cout << "Gates in the saveset:\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < gates.size(); i++) {
        std::cout << gates[i]->getInfo().s_info.s_name << std::endl;
        delete gates[i];

    delete svset;

The DBGate.h header defines the shape and method sof the SpecTclDB::DBGate class. We need these definitions because we are going to all methods on class instances and delete them.
This section of code creates a 1-d gate. 1-d gates define a slice in parameter space. Examples of 1-d gates are slices and gamma slices. Since a gamma slice is defined on any number of parameters, the method that creates 1-d gates needs a vector of parameter names, rather than a single parameter name.

Once the parameter name vector is created, we can call create1dGate passing the name of the new gate, the gate type code (slice in this case), the vector of parameter names the gate needs and the limits of the gate.

The only difference between a 1d and a 2d gate (e.g. band, contour, gamma contour) is that the shape of the region of interest is defined by a vector of x/y coordinate pairs. These coordinates are in parameter space (not spectrum space).

This section of code creates a contour gate that consists of a square in the parameter space defined by p1, p2.

Compound gates define a logical combination of existing gates; for example a gate that is true if all component gates are true or a gate that is true if any of the component gates is true. The not gate is also a compound gate that depends on exactly one gate. Similarly, True and False gates are compound gates that depend on no other gate.

This section of code creates a compound gate that is true when either of the 1d or 2d gates we previously created is true.

A mask gate performs specific bitwise operations on parameters that are presumed to actually be integers. The result of those bitwise operations determines the truth or falsity of a gate.

This section of code creates an equal mask gate. The bitmask is bitwise anded with the value of the parameter on each event and, if the result is equal to that mask, the gate is satisfied.

This section of code lists the gates in the save set. The method listGates returns a container that has pointers to SpecTclDB::DBGate that contain cached information about all gates defined for the saveset in the database. The SpecTclDB::DBGate objects are dynamically created and, therefore, must be deleted when you no longer need them.

As with all database objects, the getInfo method returns a const reference to a struct that defines the information in the database for the gate. For gates, this struct has quite a few sub-pieces. The m_info sub structure contains base information all gates have. The s_name field in that struct is an std::string containing the gate's name.

Gates, by themselves are useless. They only have meaning, and in SpecTcl are only evaluated, if they are applied to a spectrum or spectra. When a gate is applied to a spectrum, that spectrum can only be incremented for events that make that gate true.

All SpecTcl spectra have exactly one gate applied to it at all times. When initially created, a SpecTcl spectrum has a pre-defined True gate applied to it. By convention, there's no need to save either that true gate nor the application of true gates to spectra.

Note that the database does not enforce the requirement that only one gate is applied at any time to any spectrum. Restoring from a saveset that applies more than one gate to a spectrum will result in the application of one of those gates (unpredictably), to the spectrum. The code used by SpecTcl to create savesets ensures this does not happen.

The example below assumes that the databas it is run on has hasd makesaveset, pardef, gatedef and specdefpreviously run on it.

Example 3-7. Applying gates to spectra (applydef.cpp)

#include <SpecTclDatabase.h>
#include <SaveSet.h>
#include <DBApplications.h>            (1)

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc != 2) {
        std::cerr << "Usage:: applydef database-name\n";
    SpecTclDB::CDatabase db(argv[1]);
    SpecTclDB::SaveSet* svset = db.getSaveSet("a saveset");

    delete svset->applyGate("1d", "s2");    (2)
    delete svset->applyGate("compound", "s1");

    auto applications = svset->listApplications();
    std::cout << "Gate applications\n";   (3)
    for (int i = 0; i < applications.size(); i++) { 
        std::cout << applications[i]->getGateName()
                  << " is applied to "
                  << applications[i]->getSpectrumName() << std::endl;
        delete applications[i];
    delete svset;

The Applictions.h header defines the SpecTclDB::DBApplication class which encapsulates gate application records in the database. Including this file allows us to delete instances of this class as well as call methods on instances.
To save a gate application, we only need provide the name of the gate and the name of the spectrum it should be applied to to the applyGate method of the saveset.
This section of code lists the gate applications. A good question is why we didn't just use getInfo and list out information cached there. The answer is that the information structure contains information that's stored in the database for the application. In keeping with holding the database in a normal form, the gate and spectra are stored as foreign keys into the gate and spectrum definitions tables.

getGateName and getSpectrumName use those values to look up the actual gate and spectrum names.

Sometimes we want to write computations that can be steered at run-time. For example, suppose we want to apply a linear energy calibration to a raw ADC parameter. This calibration requires two values, a slope and offset. These values will not, in general, be known in advance but must be determined.

Tree variables wrap Tcl variables in a way that makes them easy for the user to set and modify yet appear like ordinary double precision values to the C++ code. In addition tree variables have associated, with them units of measure to remind users how to properly set them (was that slope counts/KeV, counts/MeV?).

Being able to save the analysis conditions so that they can be repeatably restored requires that tree variable definitions and values be saved in the database as well.

The C++ API for tree variables is demonstrated in the example below.

Example 3-8. Saving and recovering tree variables (vardef.cpp)

#include <SpecTclDatabase.h>
#include <SaveSet.h>
#include <DBTreeVariable.h>  (1)

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc !=2) {
        std::cerr << "Usage: vardb database-file\n";
    SpecTclDB::CDatabase db(argv[1]);
    SpecTclDB::SaveSet* svset = db.getSaveSet("a saveset");

    delete svset->createVariable("p1.slope", 1.0, "KeV/Counts");
    delete svset->createVariable("p1.offset", 0.0, "KeV");   (2)

    delete svset->createVariable("p2.slope", 1.0, "KeV/Counts");
    delete svset->createVariable("ps.offset", 0.0, "KeV");

    auto vars = svset->listVariables();      (3)
    std::cout << " Tree variables: \n";
    for (int i = 0; i < vars.size(); i++) {
        const auto& info = vars[i]->getInfo();
        std::cout << info.s_name << " = " << info.s_value
                  << info.s_units << std::endl;

        delete vars[i];
    delete svset;

The DBTreeVariable.h header defines the SpecTclDB::DBTreeVariable class which is wraps a database definition for a tree variable.
These lines create four tree variables. These might be initial value for a linear calibration. Each call to createVariable needs a variable name, its current value and units of measure. It is customary to use an empty string as the units of measure for unit-less values.
This section of code lists the tree variables that are defined in this save set, their values and units of measure. Note that since listVariables returns a container of pointers to dynamically created objects, we delete each pointer after we are done with it.

One of the more powerful features of the SpecTcl database is its ability to store pre-decoded parameters and playing back runs from the databsae. This is analagous to loading Root Trees (which SpecTcl can also do).

This allows the user to rapidly try out different analysis conditions. Rapidly because normally the user's data anlysis pipeline, the code that extracts parametes from raw data, is the most computationally expensive part of SpecTcl. Reading events from the database allows the data analysis pipeline to be bypassed.

The examples that show the API for storing and reading back event data are somewhat more complex. They will also need to rely on the existence of some source of data and some sink of data. These will be trivial sources, and not described in detail in the examples.

Example 3-9. Storing event data (evtstore.cpp)

#include <SpecTclDatabase.h>
#include <SaveSet.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
void createEvent(std::vector<int>& params, std::vector<double>& values)

    for (int i =0; i < 100; i++) {
        if (drand48() < 0.5) {
            values.push_back(drand48()*200.0 - 100.0);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc != 3) {
        std::cerr << "Usage:  evtstore db-filename nevents\n";
    const char* dbFile = argv[1];
    int         nEvents = strtoul(argv[2], nullptr, 0);

    SpecTclDB::CDatabase db(dbFile);
    SpecTclDB::SaveSet* pSaveSet = db.getSaveSet("a saveset");

    int runId =                      (2)
        pSaveSet->startRun(1, "Some junk Data", time(nullptr));

    std::vector<int> params;
    std::vector<double> values;
    srand48(time(nullptr));           (3)
    void* ctx = pSaveSet->startEvents(runId);  (4)
    for (int i =0; i < nEvents; i++) {
        values.clear();             // new event.
        createEvent(params, values);
        pSaveSet->saveEvent(                   (5)
            runId, i, params.size(), params.data(), values.data()

        if (i %100 == 0) {    // every 100 events commit the transaction.
            pSaveSet->endEvents(ctx);         (6)
            ctx  = pSaveSet->startEvents(runId);

    pSaveSet->endEvents(ctx);                (7)

    pSaveSet->endRun(runId, time(nullptr));  (8)
    delete pSaveSet;
This function creates an event. It takes references to a pair of vectors. The integer vector is filled in with numbers of parameters that are present while the vector of doubles is filled in whith parameter values for that parameter in this event.

There are 100 parameters. In any given event, there's a 50% chance a parameter is present. The parameter values are uniformly distributed random numbers in the range [-100.0, 100.0) because drand48 produces pseudo randoms in the range [0, 1)

The startRun indicates we are starting to store data for a run. Normally this will be intermixed event and scaler data. For this example, we're only storing events. The run number must be unique within the save set. The return value is an integer that identifies the run and must be used in most of the methods we'll call in the future.

Only a run start time is provided. The assumption is that we are reading data from some serial data source and won't know the end time for the run until we reach data for the end of the run.

Our event generator uses the pseudo random number generators. This code ensures those generators are seeded with an undeterministic value. If you omit this line, the program will still work but the random number generators will be seeded with a deterministic value and the results of each run will be the same from program run to program run.
Individual database stores can be expensive. Sqlite provides a mechanism for batching up a bunch of stores into an atomic transaction, these transactions are called savesets.

This line starts a transaction for storing events and gets a void* back which we call a context. The context identifies the transaction suc that it can be rolled back or committed by the code at a later date.

This line saves an event. The data method of std::vector returns a pointer to the contiguous storage used by the event for he current transaction.
Every 100 events, we commit the transaction we started with our call to startEvents.

It is also possible to decide not to store any events from a transaction but doing that is beyond the scope of this example.

Performs the commit for any partial block of events.
Closes off the run by providing the end run time.

The next program will read the event data we stored in the previous example and dump every 50 events to stdout. Note that the parameter numbers are intended to be the number parameter passed to the createParameter method in the database. In SpecTcl these correspond to parameter ids, slots in the CEvent object passed between the members of the event processing pipeline.

In SpecTcl, using CTreeParameter and CTreeParameterArray objects hides but does not eliminate this parameter number. What this number is not is the value of the primary key of a parameter definition.

Example 3-10. Recovering event data (evtget.cpp)

#include <SpecTclDatabase.h>
#include <SaveSet.h>

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>

// accept data:
void sink(const SpecTclDB::SaveSet::Event& event)
    static int evt = 0;
    if ((evt % 50) == 0) {
      std::cout << "Dumping event " << evt << ":\n";
        for (int i =0; i < event.size(); i++)  {
            std::cout << "   param# " << event[i].s_number
                << " = " << event[i].s_value << std::endl;

int main (int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc != 2) {
        std::cerr << "Usage:: evtget db-filename\n";
    SpecTclDB::CDatabase db(argv[1]);
    SpecTclDB::SaveSet* pSet = db.getSaveSet("a saveset");

    int runid = pSet->openRun(1);    (2)
    void* ctx = pSet->openEvents(runid); (3)

    SpecTclDB::SaveSet::Event event;
    while(pSet->readEvent(ctx, event)) {  (4)

    pSet->closeEvents(ctx);     (5)
    delete pSet;


This function is a stand in for whatever processing you might do on events. For our toy example, it just dumps the data from every 50'th event.
openRun accepts a run number and returns the id (primary key) identifying that run in the database. This can be used in other calls to retrive information about event data and scalers.
Getting events back from the database requires iteration through the result set from a query. Doing this requires that some context allowing the result set to be identified must be held and saved. openEvents performs the query for the events that belong to the run and returns a context that refers to the result set.
readEvent takes the result set context gotten above and fills in the event parameter with the next event for that run in the database.

As we've seen from the previous example (evtstore.cpp), parameters in an event can form a sparse set. The data stored for an event only consists of the parameters that have data for that event. readEvents fills in an indexable container (Event) which contains the parameter numbers and parameter values for parameters with data for an event.

note that this can be trivially turned into a CEvent object by SpecTcl. With a bit of a table lookup it can also be trivially marshalled into a root tree leaf.

closeEvents releases all resources that were associated with the result set gotten from openEvents.

In addition to storing decoded event data, the database schema supports storing and retrieving the results of scaler reads. The next pair of examples exercise this capability.

Example 3-11. Storing scaler readouts (sclstore.cpp)

#include <SpecTclDatabase.h>
#include <SaveSet.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>

std::vector<uint32_t> getScalers()  (1)
    static uint32_t       chan1 = 0;
    std::vector<uint32_t> result;
    for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {

    return result;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc != 2) {
        std::cerr << "Usage: sclstore database-name\n";
    SpecTclDB::CDatabase db(argv[1]);
    SpecTclDB::SaveSet* pS = db.getSaveSet("a saveset");

    time_t now =time(nullptr);
    int offset = 0;
    int runid = pS->startRun(2, "This is run 2", now);

    // simulate Read every 10 seconds 100 times:

    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {   (2)
        now += 10;
        auto scalers = getScalers();
            runid, 1, offset, offset+10, 1, now, 32, scalers.data()
        offset += 10;
    pS->endRun(runid, now);

    delete pS;

We've already seen show to record the start and end of run information, therefore, we won't repeat that discussion here.

We need something to generate our scaler data. normally, these will come from ring items. In SpecTcl event processors, the OnOther method allows you to catch and process scaler data. SpecTcl's code to write event data to the database h as an implementation for this method that decodes the scaler ring item and writes it to the database.

In this case, since we are just writing a sample program, we'll just generate 32 scaler values that change somewhat each time.

This loop simulates the scaler readouts for a run that's 1000 seconds long with scaler readouts every 10 seconds. saveScalers takes the run Id to associate the scalers with the correct run. It also takes two offset values representing the start and end time into the run over which the scalers counted. The next parameters is a divisor. If you divide the start and end times by the divisor you should get the number of seconds into the run for each of those values. This supports offsets that have sub-second precision. Following the divisor is a clock timestamp indicating when this read took place. The final pair of parameters is the number of scalers and a pointer to them.

Example 3-12. Recovering scaler readouts (sclget.cpp)

#include <SpecTclDatabase.h>
#include <SaveSet.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

void processScalers(const SpecTclDB::SaveSet::ScalerReadout& readout)
    double start = readout.s_startOffset;
    start /= readout.s_divisor;
    double end   = readout.s_stopOffset;
    end   /= readout.s_divisor;
    std::cout << "Scaler readout: Sid: " << readout.s_sourceId
              << " from " << start << " to " << end << " seconds into the run \n                  ";
    std::cout << "Readout occured at: " << ctime(&readout.s_time) << std::endl;

    for (int i =0; i < readout.s_values.size(); i++) {
        std::cout << "   channel " << i << " : " << readout.s_values[i] << std::                  endl;
    std::cout << "------------------------------\n";

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    if (argc != 2) {
        std::cerr << "Usage:: sclget database-file\n";
    SpecTclDB::CDatabase db(argv[1]);
    SpecTclDB::SaveSet* pS = db.getSaveSet("a saveset");

    int runid = pS->openRun(2);
    auto info = pS->getRunInfo(runid);   (2)
    std::cout << "Dumping scalers for run: " << info.s_runNumber << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Title: " << info.s_title << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Start time: " << ctime(&info.s_startTime) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "End time  : " << ctime(&info.s_stopTime) << std::endl;

    void* ctx = pS->openScalers(runid);  (3)
    SpecTclDB::SaveSet::ScalerReadout scalers; (4)
    while(pS->readScaler(ctx, scalers)) { 

    pS->closeScalers(ctx);              (5)

    delete pS;
This function is a stand-in for any processing you might want to do on a scaler readout. In this case we just output information about the scaler read and the channel values to stdout.
The getRunInfo method fetches top level information about the run given its id (gotten from openRun). The run number, title, start and stop time are elements of the SpecTclDB::SaveSet::RunInfo struct this method returns.
As with getting events from the database, scaler readout information is gotten by iterating over the result set from a query executed on the database. openScalers executes the query and returns a context that can be used to iterate over the result set from that query.
The readScaler gets the next result from the result set indicated by the context parameter. The information in that result are loaded into the SpecTclDB::SaveSet::ScalerReadout struct passed to it (by reference).

The return value of readScaler is non zero if there was another result or zero if there was no next result set item.

All we do with the data gotten from the database is call processScalers.

Once you are done iterating over the result set, you must free the resources associated with the context. This is done by calling closeScalers passing the context.

It is not legal to use the context again, once it has been closed.