4.2. Managed Objects and Configuration

This section describes the objects the manager understands and the tools available to configure the manager.

The remainder of this section describes:

4.2.1. Creating a New Configuration Database.

The manager relies on an SQLite3 database file for its configuration. SQLite3 database files contain, in addition to data, schema definitions that describe the structure of the database and relationships between database tables. Furthermore, Some tables are populated with an initial set of values.

The mg_mkconfig command creates manager configuration database files with the correct schema and an initial set of data.

The mk_config command can be run on an existing database. It will not ovewrite existing data. In the event future manager configuration databases use a different schema, this program will also support converting an existing database to one acceptable to the newer NSCLDAQ version.

4.2.2. Singularity Containers and the Manager

At the FRIB there are conflicts between wanting to keep systems up to date while maintaining a stable environment on which the DAQ system can run. We're helped by the fact that we have kept kernel mode code to a bare minimum. This makes NSCLDAQ, for the most part, dependent only on the user mode libraries and utilities.

Singularity containers provide a convenient technology that encapsulates the user mode run-time of a version of Linux in a single file (a container image) and the ability to swap out the chunks of the native file system that contain user mode libraries and utilities with the environment captured by the container image.

The DAQ manager can launch applications either in a native environment or in a containerized environment chosen by the user. In practice, the NSCLDAQ team has provided suitable container images and has also made these container images and associated /usr/opt directory tree tarballs available at https://sf.net in the nscldaq project.

Note that regardless of whether or not the application is launched native or containerized, an SSH Pipe is used to launch the application. You must therefore set up your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file to allow SSH to connect to the hosts you are running programs in without the need to specify a passowrd interactively. At the FRIB, all DAQ systems share common home directory trees so this is fairly simple. The process well documented on the web if you search for e.g. ssh without password. Since the web is volatile we will not provide specific links here.

The $DAQBIN/mg_cfgcontainers utility allows you to define and name containers and the bindings they have with the native filesystem. You can also launch this program by double clicking Containers from the list of configuration utilities displayed by $DAQBIN/mg_config. Both of these programs require a single argument, the path of the configuration database file. For reference information about these programs see: mg_cfgcontainers and mg_config.

The top level window of this program is a list of container names on the left side and a list of filesystem bindings on the right. Clicking a container name populates the bindings list box with the bindings for the seleted container.

Clicking the Init Script.. button displays the initialization script for the container. The initialization script is a script that is run prior to running every program in the container. It allows you to perform common environment setup operations (e.g. sourcing the correct daqconfig.bash file). The contents of the configuration file are stored in the database so that the initialization script is stable under edits to the original file.

The New... and Edit... bring up a dialog that allows you to define a container. The only difference between the two buttons is that Edit... pre-populates the dialog with the definition of the selected container. You can use this dialog to set the container image file, add/remove bindings, set the container name, and pull in the contents of an initialization script.

When the Ok button is clicked, the definition is saved. If Cancel is clicked, the definition is discarded.

When the dialog is brought up with Edit... Cancel retains the old definition. Furthermore if Ok is clicked but you change the name of the container, a new container defintion is created using that name. This allows you to create a new container definition beginning with the definition of an existing container as a starting point.

When the dialog is brought up with the New..., Cancel makes no changes to the database, Ok saves the new container definition. Take care not to duplicate the name of an existing container.

Note that the Ok button directly modifies the database. This is why there is no Save button on the main window.

4.2.3. Program Definitions

Programs are the entities that make up the bulk of the persistent part of an NSCLDAQ experiment. Programs can be run bare or containerized. A program consists of the following elements:


A unique name that identifies the program. This name is referred to when inserting the program into the steps of a sequence (don't worry too much about what that means until you've read about sequences).

Program File

This is the thing that's actually run. Note that if the program is run containerized, this file path must be expressed in the filesystem seen from within the container, not the host filesystem. Furthermore, a consequence of this is that only files visible within the container can successfully launch.


The name of a system in which the program will be run.


If non-empty, this is the name of a container in which the program will be run. The manager will take care of launching that container in the required host when the program is run, and then arrange for the program to be run inside that containerized environment.

Working Directory

The working directory in which the program runs. Once more, if the program is containerized, this must be expressed in terms of the filesystem as it's seen within the container.


There are three program types: Transitory programs are launched, and are expected to exit, having performed their task. An example of a transitory program might be programs that set the run number for a Readout program as part of a sequence that's triggered on a BEGIN transition.

Persistent programs are programs that are intended to run continuously but won't make data taking fail if they exit. For example, while a persistent SpecTcl is not expected to fail, an error in the user specific code may cause it to fail. However halting data taking is not required if that happens.

Critical programs are persistent programs that are essential to data taking. For example a Readout program. If a critical program exits, the manager forces the system to SHUTDOWN until corrective action can be taken.


These are program options that are supplied to the program on the command line. These normally have values (but are not required to have them). For example an NSCLDAQ Readout program may require the --ring option to specify the name of the ringbuffer into which it will put its data.

Any number of program options can be specified.


These are just command line parameters. For example, the program that can feed a Readout the run number needs to know the host and user running the manager and the name of the Readout program. These are fed as command line parameters.


These are environment variables the program may require. Note that for containerized programs, consider definiting these in the container's initialization file if they are common across many programs.

The mg_cfgprogram utility allows you to create new program definitions and edit existing ones. There is no support for deleting a program definitions, but unused program definitions are harmless. Reference information about mg_cfgprogram is available at mg_cfgprogram

The main window of this editor is a table listing the programs that are currently defined. The program name, program file, host and container of all defined programs are shown in this table. If the Container column is empty for a program it is run natively in the specified host. Note, as you might expect, for containerized applications, the program file is the path to the program as it appears in the container file system. Not the host filesystem.

CLicking the New.. button or double clicking on a program in the table, brings up an editor window. The only difference between the two methods to bring up this window are that double clicking a program will load that program into the editor window.

For the most part the editor window is straightforward, the Name of the program must be a unique name. The program file Browse... button allows you to browse for the program file. This browses in the filesystem in effect at the time the editor is being run. If, for example, you are running the editor natively but the program will be containerized, you may need to modify the final path selected by hand to match what the container sees. The Container Browse... buttons allows you to select from the list of defined containers in which the program can run.

A Type radio button group allows you to specify the program type.

The Program Options listbox shows the options that are defined for the program. To add a new option, enter the option namme (e.g. --ring) and option value (e.g. fox) in the Name and Value entry text boxes and click the New button. To remove an option click it in the list, this also supports editing the option as the name/value pair are loaded into the corresponding entries where they can be edited and recreated. This bit of mechanics is the same for all of the editor elements described below.

Similarly, the Program Parameters listbox shows parameters that are passed to the program. You can think of parameters as options with no value. However, the program parameters are passed to the program after the program's options. Create a new parameter by entering its value and clicking the New button below it. Delete or edit by clicking it in the list. Note that often parameters are positional and you must take care of that when editing.

The Program Environment define environment variables that will be defined when the program executes. Editing these is identical to editing Program Options:

Clicking OK saves the definition in the database and refreshes the list of programs in the main window. Clicking Cancel closes the editor window without making any changes

4.2.4. State Machine, Sequences, Sequence Triggers, and Steps

The NSCLDAQ manager implements a state machine. That is the manager is always in a well defined state or transitioning to another state that is reachable in the state diagram defined in its configuration databases. A default state diagram is initially loaded into the configuration database when it is created and, while it can be edited it's normally a reasonable state diagram for NSCLDAQ.

The configuration data base can specify that sequences are associated with state transitions. A sequence is an ordered list of programs that are run to perform the tasks needed by the transition. Sequences run one at a time, in the order they were defined. We'll describe the tool for editing sequences later in this section.

A sequence consists of steps. Each step specifies a program (defined in the configuration database), and optional pre and post delays. Steps are started in the order specified in the sequence definition. If a step runs a transient program, the sequence will wait until that program exits before performing the next step. This allows ordering to be ensured for sequential operations.

Although normally you do not need to modify the states and allowed transitions loaded into the manager, the program mg_stateedit (Reference pages in mg_stateedit) provides the ability to define an arbitrary state machine. In this implementation, however, there are a few constraints you must observe when modifying the states and their allowed transitions:

  1. A SHUTDOWN state must be defined. It will be the initial system state.

  2. To support failure actions, all states you define must be allowed to transition to the SHUTDOWN state.

  3. If you intend to use the Run control control panel, you must define a state named BEGIN and it must represent a state where data taking is active. You must also define a state named END and it must represent a state in which the system is up and running but data taking is not active. You also should define a state named HWINIT and that should represent a state in which any one time initialization of the data taking hardware has completed.

Before describing the mg_stateedit user interface; some terminology. The states the state machine can transition to from any givnen state are called Successor States. The states from which a state can transition to are called Precursor States. The process of defining a state machine is that of defining the states and, for each state defining its successor states. In some cases, it's also convenient to define a state's precursor states. The mg_stateedit command allows for both.

The window resented by mg_stateedit is primarily composed of three list boxes. The center list box lists the defined states selecting (single clicking) a state in the States list box populates the left listbox with that state's precursor states and the right list box with that state's successor states.

Below each list box is a - button. Clicking that button when a state is selected in any list box removes that state from that listbox:

Below the - buttons below each listbox are text entry widgets and a + button.

Note that all changes change the underlying database immediately.

The state transitions of the manager trigger the execution of sequences that are associated with the successor state being transitioned to. These sequences can be defined and edited using the sequence editor mg_seqedit. Reference material for that program is located in mg_seqedit.

Sequences are bound to or triggered by states. When a transition is performed into a state, the sequences triggered by those states are run. The sequences are run one at a time in the order in which they were defined.

The GUI for mg_seqedit consists of a listbox that displays the sequences that have been defined. An entry and drop down list provide the ability to define new sequences.

To create a new sequence, ype in a new unique sequence name in the text entry box, and select its trigger state from the drop down. Clicking Add adds the new sequence to the list of defined sequences.

Sequences are edited by double-clicking them in the listbox. This is also how a new sequence is assigned steps. Double clicking a sequence pops up the sequence step editor window.

Each step has a step number, which determines its order in the sequence. The step numbers are floating point numbers ensuring new steps can always be inserted between existing steps. Steps also have a program that is run and optional delays before and after the step

To add a new step, select the program from the pulldown menu near the bottom of the window, optionally set non zero pre and post delay values and click Add by default new steps are added at the end. If a step is selected (single click it), when a new step is added, the step is inserteed above that step.

A context menu is brought up by right clicking any step. The menu allows yout to delete the step, move it up in the order or move it down.

At the very bottom of the page are three action buttons:


Saves the updated (or new) sequence steps.


Prompts for confirmation and then deletes the sequence if you confirm.


Makes no changes. The existing sequence is unmodified and the new sequence is not saved.

4.2.5. Event Logging and the Manager

Under the ReadoutGUI, experiments have a primary event logger and, by using the multilogger package, a set of simple loggers that just logged event data into a directory. The primary logger Managed a directory tree that provided both run and experiment views of the data as well as the capability of associating arbitrary metadata with each run, in the form of a user selected set of files and directory sub-trees.

At the heart of all of this was a common utility called eventlog which just writes event data from a ring to a file. Event logging in the manager allows you to define an arbitrary set of complete and partial loggers. The best way to think of these are that complete loggers maintain the same directory tree as the ReadoutGUI's primary event logger while partial loggers are like the loggers managed by the multilogger package.

While you can create any number of either type of event logger, it's important to consider the complete bandwidth requirements of doing so throughout the system. While using several event loggers provide valuable offline debugging information during production running the best throughput is obtained by only using a single event logger. Thus the event log subsystem allows loggers to be disabled at any time.

Another important point of the manager's event log facility is that loggers can also be marked as critical. Critical loggers are considered to be necessary if the experiment is to work. If a critical logger exits during data taking for any reason, the manager will force a state transition to SHUTDOWN.

The mg_cfgEvlog utility allows you to create, edit and delete event log definitions. Reference material for this utility is at mg_cfgEvlog

The event log editor GUI consists of a table of current event log definitions, a definition section below the table and two action buttons Save and Cancel Changes are not immediately saved to the database. WHen you are satisfied with the definitions you see in the eventlog list, click Save to save those definitions oe Cancel if you don't want this work saved. Cancdel will simply reload the table with the event log definitions in the database.

Items in the list of loggers have a context menu that can be posted by right clicking them. The context menu has the following commands:


Resets the event log editor form to its defaults. The action button in the form will be labeled Create indicating that clicking it creates a new event logger definition.


Loads the definition into the definition form and relabels its action button Modify indiciating that clicking it will modify the definition being edited.


Deletes the definition under the pointer.

The Eventlog editor form contains the following elements:


The NSCLDAQ installation directory root. This is loaded with the directory root for the DAQ version from which the editor was run. It can be edited if there are special needs but, in general, should not be earlier than 12.0-pre3.


Should be edited to be the URI of the ring buffer that will be logged to disk.


Should be edited or browsed to the directory in which data will be logged. For partial loggers all data will be logged into this directory. For Complete loggers, this is the top level of the directory tree maintained by the logger. See COMPLETE LOGGERS.

Note that if the event logger is containerized, this path must be a valid path within the active container.


Should be edited to the DNS name of the computer in which the event logger will run.


Pulldown menu that allows you to select a container in which the event logger runs. Note that if this is empty, the logger will run native.


If checked, the logger will be a partial logger otherwise it will be complete.


If checked the logger is a critical component of the DAQ system and unexpected exits will SHUTDOWN the intire system.


If checked the logger is enabled. If not it will not record data even if the global recording is enabled.

Finally the edit form has an action button that is labeled Modify if clicking it will replace the definition that you initially loaded into the form using the Edit context menu or Create if it will create a new definition.

4.2.6. The Key Value Store

The manager configuration database file provides a key value store. You can think of this as an associative array of strings indexed by other strings. At present, there are two predefined keys. You may create others as needed by your experiment:


This is used to set run titles in compatible Readout programs. It contains the desired title for the next run.


Is used to set the run number in compatible Readout programs. It contains the desired run number for the next run.

The mg_kvedit command allows you to create, new keys, modify the values of existing keys and delete keys. Be careful not to delete the keys described above. Reference documentation for mg_kvedit is available at mg_kvedit

The editor provides a window that, at the top, contains a table of key/value pairs. At the bottom is an editing region that provides entries for a key and a value. Selecting (by clicking) a key value pair in the table loads the key and its value into the editor fields where either or both may be modified.

Clicking the Update button updates the table. If the key is an existing key its value will be modified. If it is a new key, a new key/value pair will be created.

Clicking on the Delete button removes a key and its value from the table.

Note that none of the edits described above affect the database. The Save button writes all changes to the database key value table.

4.2.7. User and Roles

Note with NSCLDAQ-12.0, usrs and roles are not enforced by the manager. In later versions of the software, as we gain experience in its use, we will define a set of roles each with limited capabilities within the system. The users in an experiment will be assigned roles and the interactions they can successfully perform will depend on the set of roles they hold.

The experiment configuration database does, however, already provide schema and configuration tools for defining the set of users for an experiment, the roles the system understands and granting and revoking roles to/from those users. The program that supports configuring users and roles is mg_authedit. Reference information for mg_authedit can be found in mg_authedit

The important concepts to understand when configuring the authentication system are:


Authentication is the act of logging into the system. It requires that you provide a valid user name and some secret information that only you know (usually a password). Two factor authentication requires that you also provide some information that is time varying and usually maintained by some third party.

Authentication, establishes your identity to the computer system. Nothing more. Normally your identity is in the form of some username and the associated groups that username belongs to.


Authorization allows access to some set of resources to a authenticated user. For example, file system permissions allow and disallow specific users or groups of users types of access to files or groups of files (directory permissions).


A user is an identity that can be authenticated. NSCLDAQ users are simply computer system users.


A role can be granted (or revoked) to a user of the NSCLDAQ manager and will, when implemented, authorize the user the ability to perform specific types of operations in the experiment. When a user has been granted a role, they are said to hold that role.

For example, We may have a "Shift operator" role which allows holder to start and stop runs or to set the run title or run number. The fact that we have not actually figured out the appropriate set of roles is why we also have not yet implemented role basd permissions in the manager as of NSCLDAQ-12.0

The user interface of mg_authedit consists of the following sections:

The treeview supports context menus both on user and roles they've been granted. Right clicking on a user brings up a context menu with the following commands:

Remove user...

Prompts for confirmation and, if given, removes the user and, of course. This operation cleans up properly, that is first the user's roles are revoked and then the user him/herself is removed from the list of authorized users.

Grant Roles...

Pops up a list box populated with all of the roles the user does not have. The list box supports multiple selection. Select the rols you want to grant and click the Ok button. The Cancel button makes no changes to the granted roles.

Revoke role(s)...

Pops up a list box populated with the roles that have been granted to the user. Multiple selections are allowed. Select the role(s) you wish to revoke from the user and click Ok to revoke them. The Cancel button makes no changes to the granted roles.

The context menu for a role can be accessed by right clicking on the role. It contains the following menu commands.


Revokes that role, and that role only, from the associated user.

Grant role(s)...

As with the user context menu, allows you to grant additional roles to the user that holds this role.

The Add user frame allows you to add users to the list of authorized users. Simply type the username of the new authorized user and click the Add button to the right of the text entry. If the user you type in is already in the authorized list, an error dialog will pop up to inform you of that.

The Add role frame allows you to add and delete roles. To add a role, simply type the new role name and click the add button. As with adding users, an error message will pop up if you type in an existing role name.

To delete a role, simply click the Delete... button. A list box will pop up populated with the names of all of the roles that have been defined. Select thew role(s) to remove and click Ok to remove them. Roles will be revoked from all that hold them before being deleted so no dangling role references will remain. Clicking the Cancel button makes no changes.