Format of data Rustogramer accepts

Data files Rustogramer can analyze contain NSCLDAQ ring items. The set of ring items has been extended, however and Rustogramer only pays attention to a very few of the items. The items it cares about are defined in the AnalysisRingItem.h header file.

Note that analysis ring items doin't have body headers. Therefore if you want to retain the timestamp in your processed data, you must allocate a parameter to it and pull it out of the raw event body headers.

Therefore a Ring item header for analysis Ring item is defined as:

#pragma pack(push, 1)
namespace frib { namespace analysis {
typedef struct _RingItemHeader {
        std::uint32_t s_size;
        std::uint32_t s_type;
        std::uint32_t s_unused;    // must be sizeof(std::uint32_t).
    } RingItemHeader, *pRingItemHeader;
#pragma pack(pop)

Where, as in NSCLDAQ ring items, s_size is the size in bytes of the entire ring item (including the s_size field itself). The s_type field is the type of the ring item, where AnalysisRingItems.h defines several new ring item types in the user ring item type domain. Note as well that RingItemHeader is, like all definitions for the FRIB analysis pipeline framework in the frib::analysis namespace and the two #pragma statements are g++ magic to ensure that the structures are tightly packed.

Parameter definition ring items

Each parameter file opens with a ParameterDefinitions ring item. Parameter definitions associate an integer with the names of each parameter written to the file:

#pragma pack(push, 1)
namespace frib { namespace analysis {
typedef struct _ParameterDefintion {
    std::uint32_t s_parameterNumber;
    char          s_parameterName[0];   // Actually a cz string.
} ParameterDefinition, *pParameterDefinition;

    *  parameter defintion ring item
    *  sizeof  is not useful.
typedef struct  _ParameterDefinitions {
    RingItemHeader s_header;
    std::uint32_t  s_numParameters;
    ParameterDefinition s_parameters [0];
} ParameterDefinitions, *pParameterDefinitions;

#pragma pack(pop)

Starting with the defiition of ParameterDefinitions; This ring item has the normal ring item header. s_numParameters is the number of ParameterDefinition items that follow. Each ParameterDefinition provides a parameter number; s_parameterNumber and a null terminated parameter name string who's first character is at s_parameterName. This implies that the ParameterDefinition struct is really variable length.

The s_type field of the RingItemHeader for parameter definition ring items will be frib::analysis::PARAMETER_DEFINITIONS. At the time this is being written, this is 32768, however you should always relay on the symbolic name as that insulates your source code from changes.

A ParameterDefinitions ring item prior to actual event data is mandatory.

Variable Value ring items.

Our description of the FRIB analysis pipeline did not mention many of its capabilities. One capability is the ability to define values in the parameter definition file that can steer the computations of your workers. For example, you might provide calibration values to compute some calibrated parameters fromt he raw event parameters.

The NSCLSpecTcl CTreeVariable and CTreeVariableArray classes have identical classes (in the frib::analysis namespace) which bind objects to the names of treevariables and treevariablearrays you define in your configuration file.

The frib::analysis::VariableItem ring item documents the values of these variables at the time the parameter file was produced. The VariableItem ring item will immediately follow the ParmeterDefinitions ring item and is optional.

#pragma pack(push, 1)
namespace frib { namespace analysis {
typedef struct _Variable {
    double s_value;
    char   s_variableUnits[MAX_UNITS_LENGTH];     // Fixed length
    char   s_variableName[0];       // variable length
} Variable, *pVariable;

typedef struct _VariableItem {
    RingItemHeader s_header;
    std::uint32_t  s_numVars;
    Variable       s_variables[0];
} VariableItem, *pVariableItem;

#pragma pack(pop)

The s_header.s_type value for these ring items is frib::analysis::VARIABLE_VALUES. As you might expect, s_numVars is the number of variable definitions that follow starting at s_variables

A variable has a name, a value and units of measure. These are held in a variable length frib::analysis::Variable struct:

  • s_value is the value of the variable. For maximum flexibility, these are represented in double precision floats.
  • s_variableUnits - is a character array frib::analysis::MAX_UNITS_LENGTH long that contains the variable's units of measure. The string itself is null terminated and no assurances are made about the values following that null.
  • s_variableName - is the first character of the variable's name. The name is stored as a null terminated string and is what makes the Variable struct variable length.

Parameter data ring items.

frib::analysis::ParameterItem ring items hold the paramters in one event extracted by your worker from the raw data. In general, the remainder of the parameter file will be composed of these items as well as items from the original event file that the pipeline ignored.

Here is the structure of frib::analysis::ParamterItem ring items:

#pragma pack(push, 1)
namespace frib { namespace analysis {
typedef struct _ParameterValue {
    std::uint32_t s_number;
    double        s_value;
} ParameterValue, *pParameterValue;

    * Ring item of parameter unpacked data.
    * sizeof is worthless.
typedef struct _ParameterItem {
    RingItemHeader s_header;
    std::uint64_t  s_triggerCount;
    std::uint32_t  s_parameterCount;
    ParameterValue s_parameters[0];
} ParameterItem, *pParameterItem;
#pragma pack(pop) 

The s_header.s_type value of this type of ring item will be frib::analysis::PARAMETER_DATA.

  • s_triggerCount - is the number of the event. Each raw event is assigned a trigger number by the pipeline dealer. That trigger number is just a sequential value and is used to re-sort the data emitted by the workers into the original event order. In this way the framework can be used wih data that are not timestamped.
  • s_parameterCount - The number of parameters unpacked from this event. A parameter that was not assigned a value by the worker's unpacker for this event will not have a parameter value in this ring item.
  • s_parameters is an array of s_parameterCount instances of frib::analysis::ParameterValue objects.

Parameter values contain:

  • s_number the parameter number of a parameter in the ParameterValue ring item. This number is used to make a correspondence between parameter names and actual parameters.
  • s_value for this event, the value of that parameter.

Suppose, for example, that ther ewas a ParameterDefinition with s_parameterNumber having a value of 124 and a s_paramterName of "dummy"; Any ParameterValue with s_number == 124 will have s_value set to the value of parameter dummy for this event.