
This family of URIs control data analysis.


Begins analyzing the attached data source.

Query parameters

None supported

Response format detail

Generic response. SpecTcl always returns an OK status but Rustogramer has a few possibilities.


Query parameters


Response format detail

Genric response.

Sample Responses.

One possible error case is that analysis is not active. Here's a SpecTcl return for that:

    "status" : "'stop' command failed",
    "detail" : "Run is already halted"


Only supported by rustoramer. Rustogramer is a highly threaded program. During analysis, a reader thread reads data from the data source passing it on to a histograming thread. Data communication is via Rust channels. This URI allows you to set the number of events in a batch sent between the reader and histogramer.

Query parameters

  • size - Number of events in a chunk.

Response format detail

Generic responses.