/spectcl/channel requests

The requests in this domain support accessing single channels of a spectrum:


Sets the value of a single bin/channel in a spectrum.

Query parameters

  • spectrum (string) - mandatory parameter that provides the name of the spectrum ot modify.
  • xchannel (unsigned) - mandatory parameter that provides the bin on the X axis to set.
  • ychannel (unsigned) - optional parameter that provides the bin on the Y axis to set for spectra with X and Y axes. For spectra without a Y bin axis, this can be omitted.
  • value (float) - mandatory paramter that provides the new value for the channel.

Response format detail

The response is a generic respones.

Sample Responses.

Successful return:


Failure (no such spectrum):

    "status":"Unable to set channel: ",
    "detail":"No such spectrum: araw.04"

Failure (bad channel number):

    "status":"Unable to set channel: ",
    "detail":"X index is out of range"


Returns the value of a channel of a spectrum.

Query parameters

  • spectrum (string) - mandatory parameter that provides the name of the spectrum ot modify.
  • xchannel (unsigned) - mandatory parameter that provides the bin on the X axis to set.
  • ychannel (unsigned) - optional parameter that provides the bin on the Y axis to set for spectra with X and Y axes. For spectra without a Y bin axis, this can be omitted.

Response format detail

The detail of this request, on success, is a floating point value (generally the float is a valid unsigned integer).

Sample Responses.



Failure (bad channel):

    "status":"Could not get channel: X index is out of range",

While this shows the detail field to be zero, you should not rely on that. If status is not OK you must ignore the detail field.

Failure (no such spectrum):

    "status":"Could not get channel: No such spectrum 'araw.04'",