/spectcl/version requests

Provides information about the version and program.


In SpecTcl, version strings are of the form M.m-eee where M is called the major version, m the minor version and eee the edit level. In rustogramer version strings are of the form M.m.e

While the version strings differ in format, the fields present are the same.

Query parameters


Response format detail

detail is a struct. It has the following attributes:

  • major (unsigned) - the major version number of the program.
  • minor (unsigned) - the minor version number of the program.
  • editlevel (unsigned) - the edit level of the program.
  • program_name (string) - This is always present from Rustogramer and contains the string: Rustogramer. It is only present in SpecTcl versions later than 5.14-013 when it contains the string SpecTcl. Therefore the server program is
    • Rustogramer if program_name is present and contains Rustogramer
    • SpecTcl if program_name is no present or is present and contains SpecTcl

Sample Responses.

Rustogramer Version 1.1.0:

    "status" : "OK",
    "detail" : {
        "major" :1,
        "minor" :1, 
        "editlevel" : 0,
        "program_name" : "Rustogramer"

SpecTcl 5.14-015:

    "status" : "OK",
    "detail" : {
        "major" :5,
        "minor" :14, 
        "editlevel" : 15,
        "program_name" : "SpecTcl"

SpecTcl 5.14-001; Note that program_name is missing from detail

    "status" : "OK",
    "detail" : {
        "major" :5,
        "minor" :14, 
        "editlevel" : 1,